lawdie 0 Newbie Poster

Hi all

Ive been trying ever combination to get this code finished. Basically I can get the cipher to work okay. But the space character returns as U, Im trying to figure out how.

Do I need another loop? Or am I on the wrong track and should scrape this approach?

Thanks, Lawdie

Private Sub cmdRandy_Click()
Dim count As Integer, free As Integer
Dim original As String, phoenix As String, build As String

original = txtMatrix.Text
count = Len(txtMatrix.Text)
For free = 1 To count
phoenix = Asc(Mid(original, free, 1))
If phoenix = Chr(32) Then
phoenix = phoenix + Chr(32)

Else: phoenix = phoenix + Asc(5)

phoenix = Chr(phoenix)

End If

build = build + phoenix

Next free
MsgBox build, vbInformation, "Result"
txtMatrix.Text = ""

End Sub