I tried to get help on this on a different thread, but I didnt get any help on specifically for this, so im just making a thread just for this. The first problem is im trying to make a five digit string, it needs to be 5 digits long basically it cant be less then 10000 and more then 99999, but when I run the code, all the label says is "this is a five digit code" from the time I start putting in numbers to even if I got a whole lot of numbers are in it, it remands the same label, what could be wrong or am I doing this wrong

Dim myDouble As String

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged

        If myDouble >= 10000 Or myDouble <= 99999 Then

            lblmessage.Text = "this is a five digit code"


            lblmessage.Text = "Not a 5 digit code, please renter a new one"
        End If
    End Sub

For the three character sting, I have
ON: Motor is online and running
OFF: Motor is online, but not running
MNT: Motor is undergoing maintenance and cleaning
NA: Motor is not available
I dont know how to start this, do I make a specific thing saying that these are the only ones you can use and if you entered something else then a text box saying incorrect or something like that?

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Have you tried using the length function in VB.Net?

If isNumeric(myDouble) = True Then '// Checks to see that string entered is numbers
        If Len(myDouble) = 5 Then '// Checks length of the entered string is 5
            lblmessage.Text = "this is a five digit code"
            lblmessage.Text = "Not a 5 digit code, please enter a new one" '// Took the 'r' off renter on this line, type i presume
        End If
        lblmessage.Text = "Not a numeric code, please enter a new one" '// New error message for numeric check     
End If
    End Sub

And for the second string you could use the following to lock down the entry option to the four options, i would suggest using a label beside it or above to tell the user what they can enter, unless they already knew this.

'// Validation for string containing: On Off Mnt Na
        '// Change "Textbox1.text" to your textbox
        If Not TextBox1.Text = "ON" Then '// If textbox doesnt contain ON then
            If Not TextBox1.Text = "OFF" Then '// If textbox doesnt contain OFF then
                If Not TextBox1.Text = "MNT" Then '// If textbox doesnt contain MNT then
                    If Not TextBox1.Text = "NA" Then '// If textbox doesnt contain NA then
                        MsgBox("Must be either: ON/OFF/MNT/NA, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation") '// Error message displayed
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If

>>I tried to get help on this on a different thread, but I didnt get any help on specifically for this...
See if this helps.
It contains a Boolean which will allow you to add items to your ListBox or not, depending if a correct value in the TextBox.

Public Class Form1

    Private bIsValidValue As Boolean '// used to validate if TextBox value is valid or not.

    Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
        bIsValidValue = False '// reset/set to False.
        With TextBox1 '// shorten code.
            If .Text = "" Then '// if .Text is empty, clear Label.Text and skip remaining code in this Sub.
                Label1.Text = ""
                Exit Sub
            End If
            If IsNumeric(.Text) Then '// if .Text is Numeric and does not contain letters.
                If .TextLength = 5 Then '// check if length is 5.
                    If CInt(.Text) >= 10000 AndAlso CInt(.Text) <= 99999 Then '// check for value, if greater/less than...
                        Label1.Text = "This is a five digit code :)"
                        bIsValidValue = True '// set to True since it is Valid.
                        Label1.Text = "Value must be between 10,000 and 99,999"
                    End If
                    Label1.Text = "Not a 5 digit code, please renter a new one"
                End If
            Else '// if not Numeric.
                Label1.Text = "Only Numeric values will be accepted"
            End If
        End With
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        If bIsValidValue = True Then
            '// add code here to add to your ListBox(as specified in your other thread)
            MsgBox("Valid value in TextBox, proceed with code here...")
            MsgBox("Not a valid value in TextBox")
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

For the first code, it keeps saying "Not a numeric code, please enter a new one" if I put numbers (or even letters, which I was just seeing if there would be a change) in it, it doesn’t change and for the second code (the 3 character one) is what im looking for, but when I put the code in and loaded it up, There was one problem, when I tried to type something like O for ON, it comes up as an error, but when I exit the error message and but the N, it was fine, but if I put another letter it comes up as an error (what it should do), basically my question is why does it comes up with an error when I try to start typing in letters?

Even yours comes up with the same problem, I don’t know if its something that im doing wrong, because both are having the same issue, yours is, when I enter the numbers and then click the button this always comes up. “Not a valid value in TextBox” I don’t know why and is a bollean a string? because I need to use a string for this and nothing else

My code is to only get a proper 5 digit number, nothing else.

Try this.
Replace bIsValidValue = False '// reset/set to False. at the top of Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged( , with Button1.Enabled = False AndAlso, replace the bIsValidValue = True '// set to True since it is Valid. from the same event, with Button1.Enabled = True .
When your Button1 enables after typing in the TextBox, you have a valid number.

Ok I made the changes and its still coming up as "Not a valid value in TextBox." I know your trying to help me out on this, but my assignment says that it needs to be in a string and your using a boolean, Not to be rude but is there a way we could do it in a sting, kinda like the way I started to do it?

You do not need the Boolean anymore, if you are using the Button1.Enabled=True/False.
.Remove Private bIsValidValue As Boolean '// used to validate if TextBox value is valid or not. and also only have your MsgBox code, if you need it, in Button1's.Click event.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

            MsgBox("Valid value in TextBox, proceed with code here...")

    End Sub

I would also set Button1.Enabled=False on Form1_Load.

.Text from a TextBox is a "String".

Apologies, have run my code properly now and ironed out any issues. This code was made on a form using two textbox and two labels.

Private Sub TextBox1_LostFocus(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtFiveString.LostFocus '// Can change the to .TextChanged if preferred
        '// For the Five String issue //
        If IsNumeric(txtFiveString.Text) = True Then '// Checks to see that string entered is numbers
            If Len(txtFiveString.Text) = 5 Then '// Checks length of the entered string is 5
                lblFiveString.Text = "this is a five digit code"
                lblFiveString.Text = "Not a 5 digit code, please enter a new one" '// Took the 'r' off renter on this line, type i presume
            End If
            lblFiveString.Text = "Not a numeric code, please enter a new one" '// New error message for numeric check     
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub txtThreeString_LostFocus(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtThreeString.LostFocus
        '// For the Three String issue //
        '// Validation for string containing: On Off Mnt Na
        '// Change "Textbox1.text" to your textbox
        If Not txtThreeString.Text = "ON" Then '// If textbox doesnt contain ON then
            If Not txtThreeString.Text = "OFF" Then '// If textbox doesnt contain OFF then
                If Not txtThreeString.Text = "MNT" Then '// If textbox doesnt contain MNT then
                    If Not txtThreeString.Text = "NA" Then '// If textbox doesnt contain NA then
                        lblThreeString.Text = "Must be either: ON/OFF/MNT/NA" '// Error message displayed
                        lblThreeString.Text = "Correct Entry"
                    End If
                    lblThreeString.Text = "Correct Entry"
                End If
                lblThreeString.Text = "Correct Entry"
            End If
            lblThreeString.Text = "Correct Entry"
        End If
    End Sub

I was missing the .text off the end of the length check on my first set of code stopping the five string bit working. For the three string i simply changed it from .textchanged to .lostfocus , therefore when the next textbox in the list of entry is selected or any other form item it will run the validation checks.

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Heres another version.

Public Class Form1

    Private CorrectInput() As String = {"ON", "OFF", "MNT", "NA"}

    Sub New()

        ' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.

        'Real world would put the correct input items in a dropdownlist.
        ComboBox1.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
        ComboBox1.DataSource = CorrectInput
    End Sub

    Private Sub TextBoxThreeString_LostFocus(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBoxThreeString.LostFocus
        Select Case Array.IndexOf(CorrectInput, TextBoxThreeString.Text.Trim.ToUpper)
            Case 0
            Case 1
            Case 2
            Case 3
            Case Else
        End Select
    End Sub

    Private Sub TextBox5Digit_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox5Digit.LostFocus
        If Not IsNumeric(TextBox5Digit.Text) OrElse CInt(TextBox5Digit.Text) < 10000 OrElse CInt(TextBox5Digit.Text) > 99999 Then
            'Bad when leaving
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub TextBox5Digit_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox5Digit.TextChanged
        'You can't validate a length of less than 5 while typing. You can only
        'validate that the text is numeric and its not greater than 5.
        If Not IsNumeric(TextBox5Digit.Text) OrElse TextBox5Digit.Text.Length > 5 Then
            'Bad while typing.
        End If
    End Sub

End Class
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