I can't seem to get my applet running...Pls help me look at my source code:
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class ChineseHoroApplet extends JApplet {
protected final static String names[] = { "Year of Birth",
"Month of Birth", "Day of Birth" };
protected JLabel labels[];
protected JTextField fields[];
protected JButton doTask1;
protected JPanel innerPanelCenter, innerPanelSouth;
protected int size;
public static final int YEAR= 0, MONTH = 1,
DAY = 2;
public ChineseHoroApplet( int mySize )
size = mySize;
labels = new JLabel[ size ];
fields = new JTextField[ size ];
// create labels
for ( int count = 0; count < labels.length; count++ )
labels[ count ] = new JLabel( names[ count ] );
// create text fields
for ( int count = 0; count < fields.length; count++ )
fields[ count ] = new JTextField();
// create panel to lay out labels and fields
innerPanelCenter = new JPanel();
innerPanelCenter.setLayout( new GridLayout( size, 2 ) );
// attach labels and fields to innerPanelCenter
for ( int count = 0; count < size; count++ ) {
innerPanelCenter.add( labels[ count ] );
innerPanelCenter.add( fields[ count ] );
// create generic buttons; no labels or event handlers
doTask1 = new JButton();
// create panel to lay out buttons and attach buttons
innerPanelSouth = new JPanel();
innerPanelSouth.add( doTask1 );
// set layout of this container and attach panels to it
setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
add( innerPanelCenter, BorderLayout.CENTER );
add( innerPanelSouth, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
// validate layout
} // end constructor
// return reference to generic task button doTask1
public JButton getDoTask1Button()
return doTask1;
// return reference to fields array of JTextFields
public JTextField[] getFields()
return fields;
// clear content of text fields
public void clearFields()
for ( int count = 0; count < size; count++ )
fields[ count ].setText( "" );
// set text field values; throw IllegalArgumentException if
// incorrect number of Strings in argument
public void setFieldValues( String strings[] )
throws IllegalArgumentException
if ( strings.length != size )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "There must be " +
size + " Strings in the array" );
for ( int count = 0; count < size; count++ )
fields[ count ].setText( strings[ count ] );
// get array of Strings with current text field contents
public String[] getFieldValues()
String values[] = new String[ size ];
for ( int count = 0; count < size; count++ )
values[ count ] = fields[ count ].getText();
return values;
} // end class ChineseHoroApplet
<HTML><APPLET CODE = "ChineseHoroApplet.class" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=300>