Hello. I have a weird problem with VB.NET applications. In Visual Studio 2013 the work just fine. But outside of VS, it does not run. At all. In a nutshell, the process runs 3 times using almost no ram but GUI is just not there. Also I can not kill these processes. I am using .NET Framework 4.5

Did you publish in release mode?

Oh wait. Let me try.
EDIT : It does not work

It does not work

This does help us as much as saying "I just bought a new car" or something.
Could you please explain WHAT is not working?

Well, kinda the whole program. As i said, it does not have a GUI but has 3 processes using 181 KB of ram most.

O_O Ok, i need to recheck that.

All 8 AV Engines say "No treats found" so, I guess i´m clean.

All 8 AV Engines say "No treats found" so, I guess i´m clean.

Ok, I fixed it by uninstalling all .NET Framework versions I had installed and installed ONLY .NET Framework 4.5. It works now :)

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