i have a Project and in it i have Application Form u must fill it in the internet . it have many fields to put data in , and i want to take these data to my DataBase but in many tables .
am going the Application Form with ASP.NET and the DataBase with SQL Server2000
my question is : what is the queries to enter the data in the DataBase ??????????????????

sorry bbut i mean
what are the quires to enter the data in the DataBase ??????

UPDATE Query always updates values in database. Also Insert Query used in ceating a table or append data to tabl. In both case easiest way to use asp.net supllied data elements like GridView,DetailsView,FormView,DataGrid etc which has wizards to guide you Bind to Table(s) of the DATABASAE. Please try from simple few fields.

ok what are the quire to 2 tables ????

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