I have a javascript that I have been using for a long while now, and I have the need now to make it work differently.

I have it where when the mouse goes over a link it will give you a 'tip' as to what that link is for, or whatever I put in the 'mouseover'.

Here is the javascript 'code':

<DIV ID="toolTipLayer" STYLE="position:absolute; visibility:hidden;"></DIV>
<script language="JavaScript">
var ns4 = document.layers;
var ns6 = document.getElementById && !document.all;
var ie4 = document.all;
var offsetX = 0;
var offsetY = 20;
var toolTipSTYLE="";
var CAPTION='cap';
var FG='fg';
var BG='bg';
var TEXTCOLOR='tc';
var WIDTH='tw';
var HEIGHT='th';
var FONT='font';
var POSITIONY='posy';
var cap, fg, bg, tc, cc, tw, th, font, posy = 0;
function initToolTips() {
if(ns4||ns6||ie4) {
if(ns4) toolTipSTYLE = document.toolTipLayer;
else if(ns6) toolTipSTYLE = document.getElementById("toolTipLayer").style;
else if(ie4) toolTipSTYLE = document.all.toolTipLayer.style;
if(ns4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
else {
toolTipSTYLE.visibility = "visible";
toolTipSTYLE.display = "none";
document.onmousemove = moveToMouseLoc;
function toolTip() {
if(arguments.length < 1) { // hide
if(ns4) toolTipSTYLE.visibility = "hidden";
else toolTipSTYLE.display = "none";
} else { // show
var msg = arguments[0];
fg = "#666666";
bg = "#EAEAFF";
	tc = "#000000";
	cc= "#FFFFFF";
	font = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";
	tw = '';
	th = '';
	cap = '';
	posy = 0;
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i+=2) {
	switch (arguments[i]) {
	case "cap": cap = arguments[i+1]; break;
		case "font": font = arguments[i+1]; break;
		case "fg": fg = arguments[i+1]; break;
		case "bg": bg = arguments[i+1]; break;
		case "tc": tc = arguments[i+1]; break;
		case "cc": cc = arguments[i+1]; break;
		case "tw": tw = arguments[i+1]; break;
		case "th": th = arguments[i+1]; break;
		case "posy": posy = arguments[i+1]; break;
var content =
	'<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" bgcolor="' + fg + '" width="' + tw + '" height="' + th + '"><td>' +
	'<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" bgcolor="' + bg + '" width="' + tw + '" height="' + th + '">';
	if(cap) content += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + fg + '><font face="' + font + '" color="' + cc + '" size="-2"><b>' + cap + '</b></font></td></tr><tr>';
	content += '<td><font face="' + font + '" color="' + tc + '" size="-2">' + msg + '</font></td>';
	if(cap) content += '</tr>';
	content += '</table></td></table>';
if(ns4) {
toolTipSTYLE.visibility = "visible";
else if(ns6) {
document.getElementById("toolTipLayer").innerHTML = content;
else if(ie4) {
function moveToMouseLoc(e) {
if(ns4||ns6) {
x = e.pageX;
y = e.pageY;
	if (tw && (x + offsetX + Number(tw) + 10 > window.innerWidth)) x = window.innerWidth - offsetX - Number(tw) - 10;
} else {
x = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft;
y = event.y + document.body.scrollTop;
	if (tw && (x + offsetX + Number(tw) + 30 > document.body.offsetWidth)) x = document.body.offsetWidth - offsetX - Number(tw) - 30;
toolTipSTYLE.left = x + offsetX;
toolTipSTYLE.top = y + offsetY + Number(posy);
return true;

Now what I am wanting to do, is when the mouseover displays the "table's" with the 'tips' if the 'content' is having mutilple lines which I have tried using a blank line
and also a \n but neither work. If I use a blank line the whole code just breaks. If I just use a \n that is now shown in the code but the table still looks like this:

some content here [8] should start new line
[90] and now another line should[1] start but
it just continues[4]

Sort of like that.
Is there a way to make it where \n will actually start a new line in the 'content' of the new table it hovers?

I even had it send the 'content' like this:

' + 'some content here [8]' + '\n\n' + 'should start new line [90]' + '\n\n' + 'and now another line should[1]' + '\n\n' + 'start but it just continues[4]

I do that because when it sends that it insert's it into this: tooltip('');
That way the first ' will be ''+ and the last will be ');
No javascript errors, but still it shows them like I said above, without the line breaks.

I would appreciate any 'tips' on how to make it do what I need it to.

Thank you,

You could try escaping the "\" in the pair "\n" to be "\\n".

This might delay the evaluation of the newline until you want it evaluted.

I know there is a tool-tip DHTML popup box example on this javascript site.
But it is also used on this page http://jsx/consult/p/2004_calendar/

1000s of Free Javascripts

I have a javascript that I have been using for a long while now, and I have the need now to make it work differently.

I have it where when the mouse goes over a link it will give you a 'tip' as to what that link is for, or whatever I put in the 'mouseover'.

Here is the javascript 'code':

<DIV ID="toolTipLayer" STYLE="position:absolute; visibility:hidden;"></DIV>
<script language="JavaScript">
var ns4 = document.layers;
var ns6 = document.getElementById && !document.all;
var ie4 = document.all;
var offsetX = 0;
var offsetY = 20;
var toolTipSTYLE="";
var CAPTION='cap';
var FG='fg';
var BG='bg';
var TEXTCOLOR='tc';
var WIDTH='tw';
var HEIGHT='th';
var FONT='font';
var POSITIONY='posy';
var cap, fg, bg, tc, cc, tw, th, font, posy = 0;
function initToolTips() {
if(ns4||ns6||ie4) {
if(ns4) toolTipSTYLE = document.toolTipLayer;
else if(ns6) toolTipSTYLE = document.getElementById("toolTipLayer").style;
else if(ie4) toolTipSTYLE = document.all.toolTipLayer.style;
if(ns4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
else {
toolTipSTYLE.visibility = "visible";
toolTipSTYLE.display = "none";
document.onmousemove = moveToMouseLoc;
function toolTip() {
if(arguments.length < 1) { // hide
if(ns4) toolTipSTYLE.visibility = "hidden";
else toolTipSTYLE.display = "none";
} else { // show
var msg = arguments[0];
fg = "#666666";
bg = "#EAEAFF";
	tc = "#000000";
	cc= "#FFFFFF";
	font = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";
	tw = '';
	th = '';
	cap = '';
	posy = 0;
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i+=2) {
	switch (arguments[i]) {
	case "cap": cap = arguments[i+1]; break;
		case "font": font = arguments[i+1]; break;
		case "fg": fg = arguments[i+1]; break;
		case "bg": bg = arguments[i+1]; break;
		case "tc": tc = arguments[i+1]; break;
		case "cc": cc = arguments[i+1]; break;
		case "tw": tw = arguments[i+1]; break;
		case "th": th = arguments[i+1]; break;
		case "posy": posy = arguments[i+1]; break;
var content =
	'<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" bgcolor="' + fg + '" width="' + tw + '" height="' + th + '"><td>' +
	'<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" bgcolor="' + bg + '" width="' + tw + '" height="' + th + '">';
	if(cap) content += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + fg + '><font face="' + font + '" color="' + cc + '" size="-2"><b>' + cap + '</b></font></td></tr><tr>';
	content += '<td><font face="' + font + '" color="' + tc + '" size="-2">' + msg + '</font></td>';
	if(cap) content += '</tr>';
	content += '</table></td></table>';
if(ns4) {
toolTipSTYLE.visibility = "visible";
else if(ns6) {
document.getElementById("toolTipLayer").innerHTML = content;
else if(ie4) {
function moveToMouseLoc(e) {
if(ns4||ns6) {
x = e.pageX;
y = e.pageY;
	if (tw && (x + offsetX + Number(tw) + 10 > window.innerWidth)) x = window.innerWidth - offsetX - Number(tw) - 10;
} else {
x = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft;
y = event.y + document.body.scrollTop;
	if (tw && (x + offsetX + Number(tw) + 30 > document.body.offsetWidth)) x = document.body.offsetWidth - offsetX - Number(tw) - 30;
toolTipSTYLE.left = x + offsetX;
toolTipSTYLE.top = y + offsetY + Number(posy);
return true;

Now what I am wanting to do, is when the mouseover displays the "table's" with the 'tips' if the 'content' is having mutilple lines which I have tried using a blank line
and also a \n but neither work. If I use a blank line the whole code just breaks. If I just use a \n that is now shown in the code but the table still looks like this:

some content here [8] should start new line
[90] and now another line should[1] start but
it just continues[4]

Sort of like that.
Is there a way to make it where \n will actually start a new line in the 'content' of the new table it hovers?

I even had it send the 'content' like this:

' + 'some content here [8]' + '\n\n' + 'should start new line [90]' + '\n\n' + 'and now another line should[1]' + '\n\n' + 'start but it just continues[4]

I do that because when it sends that it insert's it into this: tooltip('');
That way the first ' will be ''+ and the last will be ');
No javascript errors, but still it shows them like I said above, without the line breaks.

I would appreciate any 'tips' on how to make it do what I need it to.

Thank you,

Try using <br>, instead of /n. msg can be text or html, if i am not mistaken.
i have the same code, i took it from the dreamweaver snippet. I sent toolTip('<i>Said</i>'); and had Said..
hope it helps


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