hi im getting an error wen i give this syntax in order to retrieve info from my db into a txt box

<input type="text" name="tname" <%out.println(rs.getString(1));%>/>

pls help

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try this:

<input type="text" name="tname" value='<%out.println(rs.getString(1));%>'/>

Hello i tried the code but now the problem is that when i click the delete button the record isnt getting delete please can u help thanks alot

@nazd28 please full sentence English. It part of the rules of this forum, take this as unofficial warning.

<%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" %>

String c[]=request.getParameterValues("chbox"); 

Connection con = null;
Statement stmt = null;



stmt = con.createStatement();

for(String s:c)
String qy = "delete  *  from Table1 where id='"+s+"' "; 
out.println("Successfully Deleted");

catch(Exception e)


After selecting the items i want to delete (using check boxes) i click the delete button. the control is transfered to another jsp page called delete.jsp(the code for that page is attached below). After clicking the button i get a page sayin null basically my control is passed to the catch. Can u pls help solve this prob

<%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" %>

String c[]=request.getParameterValues("chbox"); 

Connection con = null;
Statement stmt = null;



stmt = con.createStatement();

for(String s:c)
String qy = "delete  *  from Table1 where id='"+s+"' "; 
out.println("Successfully Deleted");

catch(Exception e)


Difficult to say what is problem as we do not know what the first page look like

PS: Database connectivity should be handled by servlet not by page it self.

Difficult to say what is problem as we do not know what the first page look like

PS: Database connectivity should be handled by servlet not by page it self.

Hi i am enclosing all the codes used by me

HTML code first page


<head runat="server">
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<title> Delete an anniversary </title>
function chk ()
          element = document.getElementById("fn"); 
          element.style.color = "red"; 

//to check last name
function chkln ()
          element = document.getElementById("ln"); 
          element.style.color = "red"; 


function validate()

  if ((document.frm.fn.value=="")&& (document.frm.ln.value==""))
   alert("Both boxes are blank");
else if ((document.frm.fn.value=="")||(document.frm.ln.value==""))
  alert("One of the boxes is blank");

<div id="wrapper">

	<div id="header">
		<div id="menu">
				<li><a href="birthdayandanniversarymainpage.html">Anniversary and Birthday</a></li>
				<li><a href="#">Reminder</a></li>
	 			<li><a href="#">Address book</a></li>

		<!-- end #menu -->
	</div> <!-- end #header -->
	<div id="logo">
		<h1><a href="#">Date reminder</a></h1>
	<hr />
	<!-- end #logo -->
<!-- end #header-wrapper -->

<div id="page">
	<div id="content">
		<div class="post">


<h2 class=title> <ahref > Delete an anniversary </a> </h2>

<form name="frm" id="frm" onsubmit="validate()" action="deleteanniversary.jsp">

<h2 > <a> First name </a> </h2><input type="text" name="fn" id="fn" onblur= "chk()"  ONKEYPRESS="if ((event.keyCode < 64)  ||    (event.keyCode > 92) &&  (event.keyCode < 96) ||   
(event.keyCode > 122) ) event.returnValue = false;"" />

<h2 > <a > Last name </a> </h2> <input type="text" name="ln" id="ln" onblur= "chkln()"  ONKEYPRESS="if ((event.keyCode < 64)  ||    (event.keyCode > 92) &&  (event.keyCode < 96) ||   
(event.keyCode > 122) ) event.returnValue = false;"" />

<br />

<input type="reset" name="btreset" />

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"  onclick="checkform();"  />

	<!-- end #content -->
	<div id="sidebar">
				<h2>Birthday Facts</h2>
			<a href="mainpage.html">More >> </a>
				<h2>Anniversary Facts</h2>

			<a href="Birthstone\starsignstonepage.html">More >> </a>





	<!-- end #sidebar -->
	<div style="clear: both;">&nbsp;</div>
<!-- end #page -->


Deleteanniversary.jsp Code

<head runat="server">
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<title> Delete an anniversary </title>


<form name=frm >

<div id="wrapper">

	<div id="header">
		<div id="menu">
				<li><a href="birthdayandanniversarymainpage.html">Anniversary and Birthday</a></li>
				<li><a href="#">Reminder</a></li>
	 			<li><a href="#">Address book</a></li>

		<!-- end #menu -->
	</div> <!-- end #header -->
	<div id="logo">
		<h1><a href="#">Date reminder</a></h1>
	<hr />
	<!-- end #logo -->
<!-- end #header-wrapper -->

<div id="page">
	<div id="content">
		<div class="post">


<h2 class=title> <ahref > Delete an anniversary </a> </h2>

 <table  width="100%"border="1" >

<th> Name</th>
<th>Anniversay date</th>
<th> Delete </th>


<%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" %>

<%int j=0;

String fname;
String lname;



Connection con =null;Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:datasrc");

Statement st=con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select * from Table1 where fn LIKE '"+fname+"%'");

while (rs.next())

<tr><td align="center">

<%=rs.getString(1)%>  <%=rs.getString(2)%>

<td align="center">
<%=rs.getString(3)%> / <%=rs.getString(4)%> / <%=rs.getString(5)%>


<td align="center">

<td align="center">

<%String id=rs.getString(8);%>
<td ><input type="checkbox" name="chbox"  value="<%=id%>"/></td>
<%}  %> 

<form action="delete2.jsp">
<input type="submit" name="b1" value="Delete" >




delete.jsp Code

<%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" %>

String c[]=request.getParameterValues("chbox"); 

Connection con = null;
Statement stmt = null;



stmt = con.createStatement();

for(String s:c)
String qy = "delete  *  from Table1 where id='"+s+"' "; 
out.println("Successfully Deleted");

catch(Exception e)


The problem arrives in delete.jsp as the values of the checkbox arent accessible here. it goes to the catch block & displays null and even if i print String c[] it doesnt give me anything. Please can you help

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