I've been away from web coding for some time but I feel like coding PHP again. I was phpDesigner a lot and I got use to it. Its features are great but the trial ran out. Can anyone recommend a free PHP IDE that has all or most of the features in phpDesigner?


I'm on Windows btw.

EDIT: Also, what are the disadvantages of using Fast CGI on IIS 7.5 as opposed to ISAPI?

IMO if you are going to program then it is best to do it right. That means not using gui software to program for you. Usually it is best to just have a syntax highlighter like notepad++ or if your really inexperienced then a debugger like Netbeans but never drag and drop commands. That's my opinion anyways. Other than notepad++ and Netbeans I haven't heard of many other popular programs or none that I can think of. Enjoy.

IMO if you are going to program then it is best to do it right. That means not using gui software to program for you. Usually it is best to just have a syntax highlighter like notepad++ or if your really inexperienced then a debugger like Netbeans but never drag and drop commands. That's my opinion anyways. Other than notepad++ and Netbeans I haven't heard of many other popular programs or none that I can think of. Enjoy.

Well I don't really get GUI to do it for me. The software just tells me where I'm wrong. I'm not inexperienced. I started coding 2 years ago. I used Notepad back then but I found Notepad++ pretty good but phpDesigner was the best.

I've never used drag and drop commands.

The things really need in an IDE would probably be

  • Intelligent syntax highlighting, switch automatic between PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Code explorer for PHP (support for includes, classes, extended classes, interfaces, properties, functions, constants and variables)
  • Go to any declarations (classes, functions, variables, interfaces etc.) declared in your files, projects or frameworks
  • Code tip for PHP (helps you completing your functions as you type)

Yeah.. it's copied from their page but anyway, those features are pretty much what I'm looking for.

...And I wouldn't use Dreamweaver even if it were free. Just to let you know.

I guess I'll try Netbeans then.

Yea, Netbeans will have you covered there but you will also need xampp or wamp installed to work with Netbeans. I can help you with setting it up if needed.

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Aptana and Netbeans and Notepad++ (and to my shame, the much-maligned Dreamweaver MX 2004 - I still use it). The Dreamweaver I use as a glorified text editor - never as a WYSIWYG/drag and dropper. Useful for quick launch in multiple browsers and CSS class suggestions if a css head link included.

Thanks for all your opinions then. I'll get Netbean then :)

@cwarn23: I've done it before myself but thanks for the offer. Can I not use it with IIS though?

Thanks for all your opinions then. I'll get Netbean then :)

@cwarn23: I've done it before myself but thanks for the offer. Can I not use it with IIS though?

If you mean use Netbeans without IIS then although I have no idea what IIS is chances are that Netbeans wouldn't require such an api but I could be wrong. So perhaps try it and see if it works without IIS and if that doesn't work then do a few google searches.

Thanks for all your opinions then. I'll get Netbean then :)

@cwarn23: I've done it before myself but thanks for the offer. Can I not use it with IIS though?

First +1 for both Netbeans & NPP. NPP+ Explorer plugin make good editor for simple project. As project gets bigger NB is a way to go.
As per server, NB will ask for place to put files (point to www equivalent of WAMP) and Address (localhost/yourproject). So I guess it will work with any server (as it doesn't know server types only places files are and URI)

First +1 for both Netbeans & NPP. NPP+ Explorer plugin make good editor for simple project. As project gets bigger NB is a way to go.
As per server, NB will ask for place to put files (point to www equivalent of WAMP) and Address (localhost/yourproject). So I guess it will work with any server (as it doesn't know server types only places files are and URI)

Yes, I guess everyone is going for Netbeans. Guess it wins. :)

*cough* vim/gvim/macvim > all *cough* unfortunately : [img]http://www.terminally-incoherent.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/curves.jpg[/img]

LMAO! That made my day. :D

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