
I have been trying to download the correct xampp for Win 7 - 64 bit that is ERROR FREE.

Any clue which one ? lol. I cannot find it on : https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html

Can you help?

Thanks in advance.

Will it creates conflicts in the wrong - supposing that I want to upload my local website to the webhosting online that use phpmyadmin.

I do not know what system does common web hosting uses.


Wamp has phpmyadmin too, you should try it and see does it fit your needs.
In theory you can use xamp or wamp on your local machine. When you want to deploy it to your real hosting you should use some other tool like filezilla for ftp and you can export your data from xamp/wamp phpmyadmin and import it in your hosting.
But before doing that I suggest testing is everything ok with freehostings.

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You don't have to use 64bit for Win 7.

phpMyAdmin is a GUI - it is not something that has to be used in order to use your DB. PHP accesses your DB, not phpMyAdmin. I have to say phpMyAdmin is the most horrible GUI to work with (even the latest version). There are many alternatives, some of whih are free. However, if you are a professional webdev, I would assume that you would have kitted yourself out with some proper pro tools by now.

I use SQLyog exclusively these days. Prices start at 99 USD. There is a community (free) version too: https://github.com/webyog/sqlyog-community

There are many others Navicat, etc.


I have downloaded the community version and I do not know how to set the connection setting:

username:  root
port          :  3306

Error no. 2003
Can't connect to MySql server on 'localhost' (0)

How to make this community edition works?

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Is XAMPP/MySQL running?


This works fine for me:


Does xampp or xampp alternative MUST BE ON ? in order for MySQL Yog to be on?

Member Avatar for diafol

Obviously. In order to run db server (or sevice) needs to be on

Do you think SQL Yog the Professional service would be enough for me?

(minimum budget)

I also wonder why Easy PHP Dev Server cannot store more than 1 SQL database?

I like your comment.

I use SQLyog exclusively these days. Prices start at 99 USD. There is a community (free) version too: https://github.com/webyog/sqlyog-community

There are many others Navicat, etc.

What are others good one besides Navicat that is cheap?

Toad for MySQL is cheap.

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