Ok, basically I have this giant, great, big, long variable and I still haven't learn the syntax for this sort of thing. How would I break this up? Basically, the variable is information that is being displayed in a tooltip that hovers after a mouseover.
var msgBrackenRidge = '<b>Eco-Friendly Residence</b><br><br>51 Gawler Crescent, Bracken Ridge.<br><a href="http://www.forestgroup.com.au"><img src="thumbnails/gawlercresth.jpg" border="0"></a><br><a href="http://www.forestgroup.com.au/construction.htm" onClick="window.open('projectsuper.html','win1','scrollbars=1,width=297,height=390')"><u>Click Here for more info.</u></a>';
Thanks in advance