how can i verify the validity with the php pregmatch function. The string starts with a year, then a dash, followed by between 1-3 numbers, another dash,then betweek 1-5 letters, another dash, thenmore letters between 1-10, another dash and finally between 1-3 letters for example:



how can i verify the validity with the php pregmatch function. The string starts with a year, then a dash, followed by between 1-3 numbers, another dash,then betweek 1-5 letters, another dash, thenmore letters between 1-10, another dash and finally between 1-3 letters for example:



preg_match() uses a regular expression (pattern) to find matches within a string. It uses the Perl compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE).

You can find good information on Regular Expressions (Regex) here:

It's quite simple to learn once you get the basic idea behind it, and is a huge part of programming - a very powerful tool.

A regular expression that would match 4 digits is:


Matching 3 uppercase alpha-characters only is:


The '-' needs to be escaped, as it has special meaning. The escape character is '\'. It makes the next character meaningless.. (a literal).

So if you wanted to match "MSK-001" you'd use the regex expression:


Hope that helps you solve the problem.

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