critical5 0 Newbie Poster

Hi All,

I really need help with this as I have been banging my head against a brick but no luck.
I need to connect and invoke a web service from a credit ref agency. The vendor has given me a toolkit CD with their WSDL file on; where I found this code snipet at the bottom of the file:

<service name="name">
		<port name="soap_port" binding="nsp:binding">
			<soap:address location=""/>

I have tried adding ?wsdl at the end of the but get the [Could not generate stub objects for web service invocation] error!
I also tried hosting the wsdl file locally using http://localhost/filename.wsdl
but still get the same error

I am using the <cfinvoke>tag like follows:

	<cfinvokeargument name="company" value="mycompany"/>
	<cfinvokeargument name="username" value="myuse"/>
	<cfinvokeargument name="password" value="mypasswrd"/>

Could somebody please help....any ideas is welcome!!
