skylabel 0 Newbie Poster

I was originally trying to install a captcha script for someone. His site contains many html pages, which all contain a contact form. Now the captcha script is in php, so I first tried to to use htaccess to allow parsing of html files as php using the following:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html .htm

Now the captcha script just wouldn't have that - I guess because it involved sessions. It just kept saying that I don't have permission and something about headers already started. However, when I rename the extension back from html to php, the script worked fine.

So may next strategy was to use the following statement to redirect all html pages to their relevant php pages.
RedirectMatch (.*)\.html$$1.php

It works fine, but I only want the top or current level to this. I don't want this rule applied to sub directories. Any way of doing this?
Otherwise, I'll just have to use 301 and do all the pages individually?
