1,828 Topics

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Member Avatar for Arcrammer

I'm looking for cool code editors for Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit. If you have any please tell me! I am using... [LIST] [*]Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 [*]Intype [*]Notepad++ [*]ConTEXT [*]Notepad 2 [/LIST] I don't really give a frogs fat aśś when it comes to how heavy the program is. Whether it …

Member Avatar for Joshua Kidd
Member Avatar for blackberrycrazy

in a database for a company,what technology is best for enabling for examples certain staff memebers to make bookings/access the database from any location using a **Browser**? how do i implement this and how can i make it work? please HELP! p.s i have been researching and thinking creating a …

Member Avatar for blackberrycrazy
Member Avatar for ammwebmaster2

I don't understand why this is happening or how to explain it but here goes: I have an asp page that uses lots of layers and in Mozilla when I click on a link it is supposed to bring up and image and slide it into position. But when I …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for jrotunda85

We currently have a system that display multiple sections on one page when it loads. What we were looking at doing is breaking each section into an expandable/collapsable group that is controlled by the end user with all groups collapsed on load by default. In saying that, is there a …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for NewOrder

i put a list box and an image box. now i want the image to swap every time the user clicks on a different element in the list. it doesnt seem to work :( [CODE]using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; public partial class _Default …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for rajeev_vlal

hey....frens can you help me. ..!! my frens and i were thinking if we should use grid view to get and display the blogs from the database...or if there is any other suggestion for us to do to get better result pliz do reply....help needed...

Member Avatar for danceo0
Member Avatar for hassancool

I have installed a script on my website and I found in default.aspx some code like this..... [CODE]<%#@~^nQAAAA==@#@&frsP(omKVK.@#@&4LmKVG.,'Pr:%Z!!WTE@#@&@#@&d^WUUmOhbOtk/cb@#@&d@#@&@#@&2lTn|xCs+,'PrtKh+alL+r@#@&@#@&/t!8t|E/.~',?/dkGUvJdt!8t|/4CTExmd/dkKUr#@#@&@#@&OigAAA==^#~@%>[/CODE] Can anyone explain me what this is and what it is called in technical language??? Regards! Hassan

Member Avatar for Fortinbra
Member Avatar for doomfrawen

Hello my friends. I've been dealing with a problem in an asp.net page that im developing. Generally I don't develop in ASP.NET i prefer desktop applications. But here is my problem, I have to create a kind of image wall (4 Faces in a 2x2 row), i'm almost done with …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for CleverHans

Greetings: This is a simple string formatting problem. I'm a little red-faced having to resort to this. However, I am following the rules for string formatting and it just seems to be getting ignored under ASP.NET using C#. If I have a list of integers, like: 54, 123, 9, 1037 …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for babafemi

hi, goodday. my name is babafemi ibitolu, from nigeria. please i am creating a web application and i tried accessing a textbox control which is on the login page from the home(index) page. please how can i do that like it is done in winforms. actually i instanciate the control …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for game4tress

I have a web portal [url]http://www.game4tress.com[/url] that loads a series of databases. Most of the time, everything works fine, but certain times, especially on google chrome, if i click too fast on a link, inside the main page (to play a certain game), i get an (unknown) error message when …

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb
Member Avatar for radujit

Hi, I develop in asp a html page parser, and I would need some help. Here is my code: [CODE]<% Dim objXmlHttp Dim strHTML Set objXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP") objXmlHttp.open "GET", "http://somepage", False objXmlHttp.send strHTML = objXmlHttp.responseText %>[/CODE] Everything works fine, and the result is: [CODE]<table> <tr> <td>EUR</td> <td>4.23</td> </tr> <tr> …

Member Avatar for stevenfagan

I can't insert values into a table using a stored procedure because the fields are of data type MONEY. First, is the data type CURRENCY the same as data type MONEY? Right now, I am currently using the integer value of adCurrency for the data type parameter of the createparameter …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for Papa_Bear

Hi All. I want to allow users to select a font using a dropdown box. As every body has different fonts installed, how do I read the available fonts. I know this will be a very long list, but will not be used very often. I will store the selected …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for erioch

Hi all, I have a three fields, Age, Adults, and Children, I have been able to calculate the age from the Date of Birth input, however, what I seem not to succeed on is to have the text value "[COLOR="Red"]Adult[/COLOR]" automatically entered in to the [Adults] field if the Age …

Member Avatar for erioch
Member Avatar for ret801

I want to stream a program , any program you can think of over a website ,I want users to have to install nothing , so programs must just be able to stream . any help would be appreciated thanks!

Member Avatar for crobson

I have a response.redirect in an asp page that works fine in chrome, opera, firefox etc but doesnt work in IE8. The code is simple enough, as below: dim news_item news_item = Request.QueryString() Response.Redirect "newsitem.asp?id=" & news_item The page is news.asp, that was writen by previous developer that has one …

Member Avatar for AceDesignz
Member Avatar for radujit

Hi, I have a tabel in access db fx(bank,currency,operation(buy or sell). I created 4 recordsets that pick data as follows: recordset1 (Bank, EUR, Buy) recordset2 (Bank, EUR, Sell) recordset3 (Bank, USD, Buy) recordset4 (Bank,USD,Sell). Now I want the data to be dispalyed using classic ASP on a page as follows: …

Member Avatar for stevenfagan

I'm using ASP to dynamically generate an XML file (for an RSS feed) that pulls information from a SQL DB. Users input the data into the DB using a UI that is a straightforward html form. However, there is a textarea field in that form in which most users seem …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for JKemp

Hello I am new to ASP and Access Databases really as well. I primarily use PHP and MySQL/Postgre.I work for my university in web admin department and due to rather sloppy coding in the past by workers have to rewrite an ASP form that writes to an Access DB. I …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for shailaja mohite

HI, I have written code for image uploading, when i upload image then text in other controls gets cleared, whole page get refreshed , then how to prevent this whole page refreshing in javascript or html.

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for newlearner2008

I have a request form that calls an asp.net file to email request to my account. My web hosting is on GoDaddy.com. Could someone help me find why it does not work? It worked on my old hosting. Part of my form: [code] <!-- ////////////////////// FORM ///////////////////////////////////--> <form action="aspmail.asp" method="post" …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for shailaja mohite

Hi i am create one application in which upload the images using progress bar. i am use various code but they cannot display progress bar. plz help me which file i am use to display progress bar..

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for faisyshah

hello every body this is my second problem , please solve my problem i am designing a site in which customer can input credit card no, card expiry date etc. you can say a complete ecommerce site.i only know about merchant id. therefore we must contact with banks etc provide …

Member Avatar for ayni
Member Avatar for shailaja mohite

hi, i am create one application. in this application upload the images. how to upload images without using licesen copy

Member Avatar for rakesh4java
Member Avatar for dips255

I am facing a problem on setting up some cookies with asp on IE6 and IE7 I need to set following cookies when user logs in to his account. Response.Cookies("crmadmin_login_id") = session("login_id") Response.Cookies("crmadmin_cuser_id") = rsbrokercrm("cuser_id") crmuserlevel = cint(rsbrokercrm("cuser_level")) Response.Cookies("crmadmin_level") = crmuserlevel Response.Cookies("cid") = rsbrokercrm("c_id") Response.Cookies("company_name") = rsbrokercrm("Company_Name") When I comment …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for shailaja mohite

hi i had create classic asp one application in which send emails using smtp server using my domain name but it display error("transport of connect to the server failed") how to send emails..

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for montherz

[B]Hi i am reciving XML File and trying to send a rspone to it my code is:[/B] [CODE] string sProcess = ""; XmlDocument objXML = new XmlDocument(); DateTime NowD = DateTime.Now; String DateD = NowD.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddThhmmss"); try { sProcess = "Load XML"; objXML.Load(Page.Request.InputStream); objXML.Save(@"D:\Payment-" + DateD + ".xml"); objXML.Load(Request.InputStream); XmlNode rootNode …

Member Avatar for William Walseth
Member Avatar for Praveenkv

Thanks in advance!!! I have a page, where a collection value is assigining to a variable. And i'm able to assign this variable value to a cookie. But i canot retain this value to the next pages. The problem is occuring with chrome and safari browser. Can anyone save me …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for DaZZaMaN1990

I have been trying to make images appear in a table from a database i have created in MS Access this code [CODE] <td><%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item("Image").Value)%></td>[/CODE] is the code that is original used that shows the path, i was told to replace the code with the one below the original but i …

Member Avatar for AceDesignz

The End.