2,878 Topics

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Member Avatar for Zssffssz

How much longer until I'm the king of typos and stupid questions? Ok well in a different thread of mine there was a reference to BIOS.h. Does anyone know where to download it (If I don't have it comp making tarball sooo slow) or/and what's in it. I want to …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for Blink751

.MODEL SMALL .STACK 64h .DATA Number DW ? Cmd_Tail_Length DB 00h Cmd_Tail DB 11 DUP (' ') Error_Msg DB 'Error: command line tail not found or out of range.$' ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- .CODE Main PROC FAR call Get_Command_Tail mov AX, @DATA mov DS, AX ; Make DS Point to our Data segment …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I would just like to know how x86 ASM instructions are translated into binary. EG: [ICODE]mov al,061h[/ICODE] becomes [ICODE]10110000 01100001[/ICODE]

Member Avatar for miker00lz
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

Ok here it is short sweet and to the the point: how do I get a asembly languige OS to reconise the floppy drive as A:/

Member Avatar for miker00lz
Member Avatar for miker00lz

let me preface this by explaining the reason i'm writing this code.. i've been writing an x86 PC emulator in FreeBASIC, and this program is designed to test it's handling of video mode 13h, including palette manipulation. i thought in addition to being fun (at least for a nerd like …

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Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Is it possible to use [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/45yd4tzz%28v=VS.80%29.aspx"]__asm blocks[/URL] with Code::Blocks IDE? And if so how??

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for bettybarnes

hi guys! just want to ask if anyone of you knows how to limit the user input up to 3 trials only. For example, the user fails to guess the correct password, an error message will prompt saying you have exceeded the 3 trial.

Member Avatar for krystalo

I have this assembly project (mips) but I think I have an overflow problem.... The problem is that the answer is ok until number 99 but at 100 it prints with a - infront of the number. The projects just ask me to calculate a sum (x+a)^2 (x= 1 to …

Member Avatar for roisterguy

Hello, We stduying the 8086 and 386 using boarland linker. while stduing for a test I have I came across a queation about menaging and printing 64bit numbers. the numbers are represented as an array of chars (8) and I need to implement a rutine that puts the number in …

Member Avatar for roisterguy
Member Avatar for loveMii

Hello.. I've been trying to create a simple postfix calculator.. Can anyone please tell me how I can input a char in assembly? i tried using char as a data type but i found out that there's no such thing as char in assembly.. Please help me.. thanks!

Member Avatar for loveMii
Member Avatar for ChieftanBill
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

Ok, what would it take to write a BIOS in asembly languige, not planing on doing it. ; no money for chips and thats crazy. So...

Member Avatar for AMarchini
Member Avatar for anders10

Hello! I have a piece of code here that I just can't get to work. I get segmentation fault and now I'm trying to apply a ddd tool to understand the problem. I haven't used ddd before but there seem to be some kind of a problem around the subroutines …

Member Avatar for anders10
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

I herd that some C++ compilers can use asembly languige in there programs along side C++, How would I do This? And is there any way to use a compiler as an assembler? <<two questions.

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for loveMii

Please help me find the error with my code. Whenever I try to run the program, it returns a Segmentation Fault message. I've been trying to find and play with the codes but I'm really stuck.. Please help me.. Here's my code: [CODE] .section .data format: .asciz "%d\n" values: .int …

Member Avatar for untio
Member Avatar for loveMii

Please help me find the error with my code. Whenever I try to run the program, it returns a Segmentation Fault message. I've been trying to find and play with the codes but I'm really stuck.. Please help me.. Here's my code: [CODE] .section .data format: .asciz "%d\n" values: .int …

Member Avatar for D33wakar

I wrote a procedure to read integers(unsigned) from stdin and store it in a variable. I wanted it to handle backspaces too. so I made some adjustments but unfortunately it didn't work.--see line 14 in the code [CODE]get_num: ;(function get_num: read integers from stdin) push ax ;save all registers push …

Member Avatar for D33wakar
Member Avatar for loveMii

Hi! I'm still new to assembly and I'm trying to do a selection sort using assembly.. There's a problem somewhere and I can't seem to find it.. Please help me. Here's my code so far: [CODE=assembly].section .data format: .asciz "%d\n" values: .int 5, 3, 2, 4, 7 smallest: .int 0 …

Member Avatar for loveMii
Member Avatar for asitmahato

Hi everyone, I want to compile a simple assembly language program like helloworld.asm in visual studio 6. I don't want to use MASM as assembler. I want to include NASM as assembler. please help me out. thanks in advance..:D

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for anders10

Hello! I have a problem in trying to convert a string into an integer. I'm not supposed to use the routine atoi, ie I have to do it on my own. Here is the code; [CODE] .data String: .asciz "1234\n" Show_integer: .asciz "The integer = %d\n" Intg: .long 0 .text …

Member Avatar for anders10
Member Avatar for zaiboot

Hi, i need some help with a directive called ASSUME, and i have to write a program that display a string but i can't use .code nor code and i have no idea of how can i make it work. Besides i can't find information about ASSUME. Please someone help …

Member Avatar for Triggerlife
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

Ok I have all the framework done. Programs I want it to do all linked up in another program Done. A c++ program to write to boot sector DONE. All I need now is a simple (less than a gig of text:) way to start the other program from the …

Member Avatar for Zssffssz
Member Avatar for cse.avinash

Hello Sir, I am using DELL laptop and with the help of QEMU, NASM and GCC i am trying to compile a simple code which is not executing properly. I am using UBUNTU 10.04. here is the loader.asm assembly file. [code] global loader extern dmain MODULEALIGN equ 1<<0 MEMINFO equ …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for nuliknol

Hi, I am looking for instruction cost list, in clock cycles, for ia-32 intel architecture, something like this: movdqa <-- 3 clock cycles mov <-- 1 clock cycle jmp <-- 1 clock cycle Is this info available somewhere? I checked the manuals, didn't find it. Will appreciate any help Thanks!

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Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for asitmahato

Hi.. I have downloaded grub source code from [url]ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/grub[/url]. I have compiled that source code using ./configure then make command but i have not get any binary file. Actually i want to use GRUB boot loader for my own Os. please guide me. I am very new here. thanks in …

Member Avatar for D33wakar

[CODE] .MODEL small .STACK 100h ; defines a stack 100h (256) bytes long .DATA String DB "Hello World!",'$' ; variable declaration .CODE Start: mov dx,offset String ; point dx to the storage location for the first character mov ah,9 ; dos function for string output int 21h Stop: mov ax,4C00h …

Member Avatar for D33wakar
Member Avatar for Mizki

How do I print values (integer) from memory addresses? I did it with ascii string value, but I can't get it to work with integer value :/ Here is my code for printing ascii string: [CODE]lui $a0, 0x1001 addi $a0, $a0, 4 addi $v0, $0, 4 syscall [/CODE] I tried …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for bettybarnes

hi guys i've got a simple problem with fibonacci sequence.. I use tasm and my processor is amd and this, so far, is my code: [CODE].model small .stack .code org 100h start: mov ah, 02h mov cx, 07h mov bl, 31h mov dl, 30h A: add bl, dl int 21h …

Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad
Member Avatar for bbman

I want to check degbugger and write a function like this code to call API debug "IsDebuggerPresent" : Code: [CODE]#include <windows.h> bool checkdbg(){ int i = 1; __asm{ call IsDebuggerPresent //gọi api debug test eax, eax jne L1 mov i,0 L1 : } if(i == 0) return false; else return …


The End.