48,986 Topics

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Member Avatar for total90

Write a C++ program that asks the user to enter the price of a car (real), the down payment (real) and the number of years for the loan (integer). Calculate and output the monthly payment (real) of that car. Assume the sales tax rate is 7% and an interest rate …

Member Avatar for Suzie999
Member Avatar for Masood_786

Hi, All last year i posted for solution to programatically retrieving I Q data from USB Tv Tuner (Gadmei UTV382 USB TV BOX) for implementation of SDR. Since then no reply was received that could solve the problem. Some detail of the device, it has 1. XCEIW XC4100ACQ tuner 2. …

Member Avatar for Masood_786
Member Avatar for Natiprog
Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for VSBrown

Here is a link to some C++ Code that I did while I was in college. Thought I would post it because maybe it will help someone else. [url]http://www.vsbrown.com/cplusplus.asp[/url] :D

Member Avatar for s.kiroshan
Member Avatar for DeneyimszDenek

webBrowser1->Document->GetElementById("email")->Value = textBox2->Text; this code an error. help me.

Member Avatar for DeneyimszDenek
Member Avatar for johans22

The 3rd party to EXE calls like call backs work but call backs from 3rd party DLL to another DLL won't work. 3rd party DLL has to message the upper EXE or DLL that evetually gets emailed out. Working platform is Vista or Win 7.

Member Avatar for johans22
Member Avatar for olelink

Ok I need to know how to fill in blanks on a website. My example is if I wanted to fill in First name, second name, address on a website and repeat. Can someone help me with this. Some people say its called a "bot"

Member Avatar for nittu sarathe
Member Avatar for irfan_3

Actually i need help in making a project on reservation system(hotel,bus etc) in C++(oop) ..can somebody just guide me in making my project ,,, thanks in advance

Member Avatar for irfan_3
Member Avatar for razzzz87

Hi all , I would really appreciate if any one will help me. i am working face recognition system for security system i am comparativly new to work on such system. i looking for code snap to start the project. project requirment is, once a person's face get recognised by …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for agrbinoo.albaker

Write a program that calculates the average of a group of test scores, where the lowest score in the group is dropped. It should use the following functions: • void getScore() should ask the user for a test score, store it in a reference parameter variable, and validate it. This …

Member Avatar for Sarkurd
Member Avatar for shelton22

I have declared, map<int, vector<int>> abcmap; map<int,vector<int>>:: iterator itmap; vector<int>SPLINKS; SPLINKS contains: 1 3 4 abcmap contains; 1=> 1 2=> 2 6 3=> 1 2 4 I want to iterate both SPLINKS and abcmap to find and erase elements that do not match in both containers; ie after execution; 2=>2 …

Member Avatar for shelton22
Member Avatar for cambalinho

using the WM_KEYUP message: how can i combine the keys? if(wParam== VK_CONTROL & 'a') MessageBox(NULL,"hi", "hi",MB_OK); if i click on control key, the message is showed.... but my combination key is ctrl+a.... so how can i combine the keys? :(

Member Avatar for fareez

Dear all I used codeblock to make a machine and now I need to capture the screen, I tried the GDI and DirectX examples in this site : http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/505 ... the-screen but codeblock gave errors , I think I do not know how to use them , please tell me …

Member Avatar for rowen_1

I have a assignment on Knapsack(tree and bound) and went online to find out how to code tree and bound in c++ but most of the resource are all theories. Thus I don't know how to begin coding and need some help to start off.

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for Acting_geek

Requirement: To distribute a list of sorted numbers in evenly sized group based on the sum which will be fixed. For example 4 11 16 18 49 74 90 100 101 --> Sorted list Sum = 100 --Fixed Groups will be Set1 = 103 Set2 =101 Set3= 100 Set4= 90,4 …

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for Patel_Ankit
Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Awais ramzan

can any help me i have to do my assignment that how to swap 5 number using pointer in c++...

Member Avatar for Learner010
Member Avatar for shelton22

I have delared two multimaps such as; multimap<int,vector<int>> allpathsmap; multimap<int,vector<int>>:: iterator itapm; typedef pair<int,vector<int>> pairapm; multimap<int,vector<int>> graphtextmap; multimap<int,vector<int>>:: iterator itgtm; typedef pair<int,vector<int>> pairgtm; And I wrote the following code to traverse the values of multimaps to print the key; for(itgtm=graphtextmap.begin(); itgtm!=graphtextmap.end(); ++itgtm) { for(itapm=allpathsmap.begin(); itapm!=allpathsmap.end(); ++itapm) { cout << endl …

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Member Avatar for shelton22

Hi Friends! I have tried to find all possible paths between two nodes; #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <map> #include "fstream" #define max_edges 16 #define MAX_NODES 5 using namespace std; bool isadjacency_node_not_present_in_current_path(int node,vector<int>pathway); int findpaths(int source ,int target ); void display_all_paths_map(); vector<vector<int> >GRAPH(100); vector<int>pathway; map<int,vector<int>> allpathsmap; map<int,vector<int>>:: iterator …

Member Avatar for smitsky

Hi. I'm getting the following message when I try to overload operator= here in line 830-833. I have also included the error messages. Thanks #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <limits> #include <vector> #include <iomanip> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; /** * Global Variables */ string k; int pmem, plen; int …

Member Avatar for uonsin
Member Avatar for shelton22

Hi Friends, I have a graph in text file (origin, destin, link_id) such as 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 4 2 3 5 2 4 6 2 5 7 3 1 8 3 2 9 3 4 10 4 2 11 4 3 12 …

Member Avatar for Slavi
Member Avatar for Ahmed_52

7) Write an implementation of this class using the C++ language. (i.e. implementation of the abstract class and all of its functions definition) a. Class label: MyClass b. Private members: int y, int array[10] c. Public members: void sety(int a); int gety(); void set_array(int a[], int size); MyClass(); MyClass(int a, …

Member Avatar for Benard joseph
Member Avatar for shelton22

Can any one convert this Java code to c++? import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class Test { private static HashMap<String, List<String>> left_map_rights; public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { left_map_rights = new HashMap<>(); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("routes.text")); String line; HashMap<String, Void> lines = new HashMap<>(); while ((line …

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for wrda

Write the following functions: Main: declare an array of size 7 with random numbers, call the following functions. * PrintArray: prints the elements of the array. * SumArray: Return the sum of elements of the array.

Member Avatar for Slavi
Member Avatar for Auroch

Hi! I'm trying to count the number of occurrences of each word in a text file. But program put in the file the first symbol of inputed word only (line 34) and don't enter in the for-statement (line 51). What should I serach for in my code in order to …

Member Avatar for Auroch
Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen

First of all I apologize if the title is a bit vague, I couldn't phrase my question to fit in the given space. So given you have an array of floats that you want to cast as a pointer to a struct containing only floats, assuming the array size is …

Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen
Member Avatar for ala_2

the code is the following : BSTR MethodName = SysAllocString(L"DefragAnalysis"); BSTR ClassName = SysAllocString(L"Win32_Volume"); IWbemClassObject* pClass = NULL; hres = pSvc-> GetObject (ClassName, 0, 0, &pClass, 0); IEnumWbemClassObject* pEnumerator = NULL; hres = pSvc-> ExecQuery ( bstr_t ("WQL"), bstr_t ("SELECT * FROM Win32_Volume"), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumerator); IWbemClassObject *pclsObj; …

Member Avatar for smitsky

Hi. Can someone tell me how to output a two-dimensional priority queue please? In particular I am using an array of priority queues. The method I use to output an array of vectors is not working. I will show the one that is working (array of vectors): if(!diskQueues[i].empty()) { for …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Paul_23

I have been working on this for a few days now and I am having trouble understand how to create a paralell array between the seatList and seatPrices so the user can reserve that seat. I was wondering is someone could explain how it would work so I can write …

Member Avatar for Paul_23
Member Avatar for Adem_1

hi guys i need a small help about drawing gragh. program should include [this](http://postimg.org/image/xmx2aagxr/) user interface. User will enter a and b values then click the draw button. Then program should show the graph of function. i will add the type of function and the formula of it, if anybody …

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The End.