702 Topics

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Member Avatar for tiredntroubled

Hi all, I am working on a coldfusion form. Within the form the user will enter data. (If they open an existing record, they will then be udpating the record). I want one textfield to have data coming from the database, when the record is opened for the first time. …

Member Avatar for jjiimm_64

We are recieving errors in the logs that should not exist. We have a large site with lots of traffic. I have reieved a number of errors in our log files EX: Application:The request has exceeded the allowable time limit Tag: CFSTOREDPROC The only problem is, according to this document. …

Member Avatar for djoxer
Member Avatar for Frank11

Hi, I'm rather new to writing queries, so please forgive me if this is a really simple thing to do. I need to create a CF query that finds out which rows in the DB have ANY of the values that are in a given list. Only one column in …

Member Avatar for ibmwaseem
Member Avatar for xfreyje

I'm trying to use an HTML table layout to "organize" several components, one of which is an cfgrid... but nothing shows up, the cfgrid doesn't populate. In fact, in the following example, only the first row of the HTML table is painted in the browser. here's a sample: [code] <html> …

Member Avatar for ibmwaseem
Member Avatar for critical5

Hi All, I really need help with this as I have been banging my head against a brick but no luck. I need to connect and invoke a web service from a credit ref agency. The vendor has given me a toolkit CD with their WSDL file on; where I …

Member Avatar for cffan

A while back I developed a CF application for my boss to post news articles to our company website. For the most part it has worked great but my boss gets most of the content he posts from emails he receives so naturally he copies and pastes the email from …

Member Avatar for wasabi

The CFMX7 start application says coldfusion is running, but this error is returned by the flash player, testing an application from FLEX. [quote] [RPC Fault faultString="HTTP request error" faultCode="Server.Error.Request" faultDetail="Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: http://localhost:8500/test/books.xml"]. URL: http://localhost:8500/test/books.xml"] at mx.rpc::AbstractInvoker/http://www.adobe.com/2006/flex/mx/internal::faultHandler() at mx.rpc::Responder/fault() at mx.rpc::AsyncRequest/fault() at …

Member Avatar for lafalot

I have a form on our Web site where visitors enter data. I use cfinsert to insert this data into an MS access table. Most of the time, this form works. However, I occassionally get the following error: Error Executing Database Query. Application uses a value of the wrong type …

Member Avatar for blairr
Member Avatar for harrybalais

I'd like to go to another record of the same category using a link to either prev or next. How can this be done? Sample query: <CFQUERY NAME="NextPrev" DATASOURCE="DB"> SELECT ID, Category, Title, MemoField, TextField FROM tblExample </CFQUERY>

Member Avatar for gavy
Member Avatar for sureenm

could any one help in inserting images or files directly into mssql database using cold fusion and also should pull the data directly from the database without using any temporary folders both inserting and retrieving.

Member Avatar for gavy
Member Avatar for CFAustin

Error Invoking Events Gateway Gatewayname: Null 1. created a gateway instance in CFadmin of with following information type Asynchronous CFML Id = asynchr_submit Path = H:\JL\TEST\cfc\asynchr_submit.cfc Config file = H:\JL\TEST\cfc\asynchr_submit.cfg. I also tried with no config file. (i also tried with config file cfc-method =onIncomingMessage and mode = saynchronous ) …

Member Avatar for gavy
Member Avatar for morestar

Hi everyone. This is my first time here. I thank everyone for their help and support. I don't have much of a problem but I have some code that I want to clean up and I'm fairly new at coldfusion. I believe there is a way I can clean up …

Member Avatar for lafalot

Hi, I've set up a "Send Page to Friend" function using a script that I donwloaded. It works fine if I use my email as the recipient address, but I receive the following error when I try to send it to a Yahoo address: Invalid Addresses; nested exception is: class …

Member Avatar for cfAllie
Member Avatar for smithproject

After the very positive feedback from the ColdFusion® Developer Community, youngculture decided to open source its ColdFusion® Server “Smith”. Till the end of April Smith Application Server has been downloaded more than 6’000 times. Developers are welcome to join the project. The project is published under the GPL Licence and …

Member Avatar for odessit

Can anyone recommend the way to implement the [B]image zoom[/B] feature? This is the same option that you can see on any big estore when you looking at the product detail. Thank you Lenny

Member Avatar for lafalot

Hi all, I am running a query on an MS Access table that has some fields that are the same and some that aren't. For example, the customer number_field is the same, but the start_date field is different. I'd like to run through the query and when the customer_id is …

Member Avatar for lafalot
Member Avatar for Memento

I hope you can help me with this because I am out of ideas... I am trying to pass a structure [I]into[/I] an Oracle procedure and have had no luck… does anyone know how to pass a complex data type into an Oracle database? My idea was to pass in …

Member Avatar for Memento
Member Avatar for willyc

Hi, I use to be a bit of a wiz at coldfusion 4, but I havent used it in quite a WHILE! Now its at version 7 and what I remember doesnt seem to work anymore... I am trying to write a 'news' page, it takes data from two tables... …

Member Avatar for Memento
Member Avatar for Manoj kothari
Member Avatar for digi3e

Hello anybody who takes the time to read this! I am not new to CFM but have not hit it to deep as of this point. Here is my problem and I hope I can explain this well enough. I have a page that will be driven left to right …

Member Avatar for digi3e
Member Avatar for rameshsambu

Hi Folks I am in a difficult situation right now. Please help me. There are several stores and several employees. employees can work in multiple stores and stores have multiple employees the time they work are calculated based on the time they log in and log out. for this purpose …

Member Avatar for cfAllie
Member Avatar for DaniVee

I can't seem to figure out how to hide the dialog "window" for coldfusionmx7\runtime\bin\jrunsvc.exe. I have an installation of the Developers Version of CF (MX7) on two computers and on one it is hidden and oteh other it's in the way all the time!

Member Avatar for Shibunarayanan

Hi, My concern is about some of the design issues i have found in CF report. It has been a night mare for me. Hope you could address it for me. C, I need in the report a tabular format (bordered table) which will be having the same height and …

Member Avatar for cfmatt

Hi all, Just need some direction on this: I need to start applying and developing applications in French and English. What i mean is the GUIs that i develop need to translate to French or English not translating word for word just the complete text. For example "Part Number" would …

Member Avatar for Sorcerism
Member Avatar for RiskMgr

I am trying to setup scheduled tasks using the ColdFusion administrators page. These scheduled tasks send out email notifications. They work when I run them in IE, however not through the scheduled task. When I manually run the scheduled task, I am told it ran successfully, however I do dont …

Member Avatar for unibasic
Member Avatar for ValiantHero

I'm a high school student with very littlecoding experience. I was given an assignment without any real direction as to how to do this. I'd like to know exactly how i'm suppose to Create a page to allow users to give their first and last names along with their email, …

Member Avatar for unibasic
Member Avatar for luke nukem

Hi, I've just installed the version of coldfusion i got with the coldfusion mx bible, but when I launch the administrator i get this error message, [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j89/lukegamabomb/cfadmin.jpg[/IMG] any help would be great, thanks

Member Avatar for unibasic
Member Avatar for danarashad

[B]I am trying to setup scheduled tasks using the ColdFusion administrators page. These scheduled tasks send out email notifications. They work when I run them in IE, however not through the scheduled task. When I manually run the scheduled task, I am told it ran successfully, however I do dont …

Member Avatar for unibasic
Member Avatar for forumposters

I've found a script that does almost exactly what I need but it uses PHP - I know nothing about PHP. Anyone here want to help me convert the PHP to Coldfusion? It's not a whole lot of code. Here's a demo and the source code is below the demo: …

Member Avatar for forumposters
Member Avatar for forumposters

Can anyone give me some words of advice when it comes to this? Has anyone tried MailEnable? Or, have you found something else to work well for you? I'd prefer something low cost or free.


The End.