820 Topics

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Member Avatar for jakab

Zeus Cart offers easy-to-use features to open your first online store quickly, advanced features for store quickly, advanced features for additional customization, store quickly, advanced features for additional customization, and integration sources: www dot zeuscart dot com

Member Avatar for selfhelpebooks
Member Avatar for Love1989

It very much, very steep blog. You call on him!!!! [url]http://networkmoney.blog.com[/url]

Member Avatar for selfhelpebooks
Member Avatar for alpha2006

What is your favorite payment processors that you use on your websites? I personally like paypal a lot. It is so easy to integrate on your site and their protection against fraud is highly effective, although not perfect. I do get chargebacks from paypal once in a while (they charge …

Member Avatar for selfhelpebooks
Member Avatar for quecoder

Hello , Here is a great , unbelievable offer I got from a friend , Allow your customers to purchase your products by buying products from your sponsors and get yours as a bonus .. You get paid the amount you requested or even more .. ! and they get …

Member Avatar for quecoder
Member Avatar for justinmyoung

I'm having difficulty setting permissions in MySQL and setting up the correct paths for the installation/configuration process in Freeway. Here's the message I'm getting: cd/Users/********/Sites/freeway/includes/ touch configure.php chmod 706 configure.php ch/Users/********/Sites/freeway/admin/includes/ touch configure.php chmod 706 configure.php I'm installing this software on a Mac. I'm not familiar with these terms or …

Member Avatar for colerainescotty

I have a small problem. I am doing a BTEC Diploma in IT I have completed all the other criteria on my own for the ecommerce unit and i have all P's all M's and two of the distinction criteria. However i would be greatful if someone can help with …

Member Avatar for blm2007

As the title of this thread says: 'Moneybookers or Paypal---Which one do you prefer and why? To me, I would always prefer or recommend using paypal because it's just the best and is more commonly and widely accepted.Paypal is popular and most of the businesses online uses paypal as their …

Member Avatar for Hailey
Member Avatar for Love1989

An autosurf called surflibertad is in limbo and the admin seems playing with his words to trick his members and gives them false hopes. This autosurf was started on February 11th and at first has offered 120% after 15 days. Surflibertad has turned to scam since last week when it …

Member Avatar for scushkadee

Hello, I'm about to start taking on another project and wanted to get the ideas rolling in my head how I will make it work. I have a client that makes products that they sell to different companies, they charge different prices to different companies. The simplest solution for the …

Member Avatar for scushkadee
Member Avatar for dentri

We are developing a b2b website which connect buyers and manufacturers (sellers) of a certain product. The seller has the ability to list their product on our site and the buyer to search for these products and purchase them. Each product offering listed on the site is custom manufactured and …

Member Avatar for alexnicolita

If you missed out on the DOT COM boom, now is your chance to cash in on the massive and growing global demand in our $20 BILLION PER YEAR market. We'll show you how to create an income that will come to you for years and grow with each passing …

Member Avatar for 3DProf4online

Hey guys, I am sorry I would like to warn I am nowise in web hosting services. I am planning to have an internet shopping web site developed for selling sewing machins and I need to choose affordable web hosting provider at the moment. I have found the list of …

Member Avatar for WebHoster
Member Avatar for Dani

By default, the vBulletin forum system has support for Paypal, NOCHEX, Woldpay, Authorize.Net, 2Checkout, Moneybookers, and CCBill. I'm not familiar with any of these other than Paypal. What are their differences and which do you recommend for accepting credit/debit cards globally?

Member Avatar for BroKeN
Member Avatar for gee777

I am considering using stormpay to receive and send money online.Does anyone have experience with it?Is it a credible payment system.I saw somewhere that they are the 2nd largest payment system after Paypal is it true?

Member Avatar for Angelo_Bosst
Member Avatar for NelsonAFS

I am trying to get some product [B]images[/B] from a datafeed to my new store. I am trying to find a better/faster way to copy these images links into my server. I am having to copy about 6000 plus products and am looking for a way to batch copy. I …

Member Avatar for Suomedia
Member Avatar for arnozzle

Hi Guys, I am a student carrying out a project concering online checkout systems. I designed 2 websites which used different systems , one had paypal one google checkout, and i made users go through the checkout process, and did some HCI type sessions asking them how they felt etc. …

Member Avatar for cancer10

Hi, I am trying to make a shopping cart using paypal payment gateway. Here is a scenario: A customer visits my site, adds an item to the cart, clicks on the "checkout" button, he is then redirected to the paypal payment page, now would could I track if he has …

Member Avatar for humbll
Member Avatar for Zeeart

Hello, I'm new to the forums here so forgive any ignorance on my part. I need someone to either help me figure some things out or go in and fix the issues I am having with my Zen Cart. Version of Zen Cart is / Database Patch Level: …

Member Avatar for humbll
Member Avatar for manzoor

what kind of websites sell easily affliates,programming help, games etc which one selll easily on ebay ??????

Member Avatar for keynan_toht17
Member Avatar for violet1985

Free Advice For You: In this section our aim is to supply you with some free information to help you with your decision of choosing a dropshipper. hsshopping.com are the most advanced and established dropshipping company in China today - with 3000+ members around the world. We have been around …

Member Avatar for InnovativeWeb

Hi all...I'm looking for a very specific eCommerce solution, and I was wondering if anyone knew what application or system might be able to do this. I currently use the 1ShoppingCart system (which I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with), and so far, I've been told, that there …

Member Avatar for sunnyday
Member Avatar for Taffd

Hi all, A site allows users to post text. I'd like to know how to go about charging a small fee to post additional stuff, say for example an image(I don't actually want to charge for an image, I merely use this as an example). I have a vague idea …

Member Avatar for musicbox
Member Avatar for tun80

Hi there, I hope I'm in the right place (apologies for the intrusion if I'm not). I work for a company that has a few basic products to sell, we have no working website at the moment and we only deal with trade customers. What we are looking to do …

Member Avatar for world_weapon
Member Avatar for hemanth.balaji

Hi Guys, I was doing a Mail Program and Got stuck in the following questions. I don't know How to approach. 1. Right Click pop Up Menu for Attachments List and adding pop up listener for this. Some kind of a right click context menu for each item in the …

Member Avatar for littleolemedesi

I am wanting to purchase template 14080 from templatemonster.com and get going with an oscommerce store, but I cannot figure out how to make it where customers can upload photos for their merchandise. I am beginning to think that it is not possible to do. I've spent hours upon hours …

Member Avatar for zippee

Hi, I've developed ecommerce application sites and currently use Paypal and nochex (UK only) as tools to process my clients transactions. I wondering any other similar low cost services available to Asian market? So far I know moneybookers (limited customisation) and pppay (USA, Euro and UK only). Many Thanks .

Member Avatar for benben
Member Avatar for Mr.'BackUp'

Hi guys, I read an article recently critisizing many shopping carts for not being SEO friendly. Does anyone know if Zen cart is SEO Friendly or have any experience with it in that way? Thanks?

Member Avatar for bobchrist
Member Avatar for ronu

hi, This is ronu.I am a student in final year of Engineering. I need some projects for my academics.I am acquainted with C,C++,HTML and Java. Can any one help me out please?

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for globalguy

If you are a web marketer in the business of selling non-tangibles such as Ebooks, information, software, games, website subscriptions and so forth, then phone billing is a option worth considering, not least since the phone is so ubiquitous and effectively powers the internet. Phone Billing for web content works …

Member Avatar for wilson2

The End.