22 Topics

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Member Avatar for Stefce

Hey all long time no see!! As i started Internet Marketing i quited to code but somehow everything is about coding... :D So i am trying to come up with new method but i will talk about that in the next thread :) so I am trying to create push …

Member Avatar for Antionne
Member Avatar for gajen007

Hi Friends, Recently I've experienced an issue in my (following) code. I've designed an array-stack and checked the values pushed in to it. It works well when pushing but when popping it doesn't display the whole popped values. E.g: If I pushed the values "zero to nine" in to the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for RAM_8

Hi Everybody, Im running a Software web application - www.physioplustech.com My clients are asking for an offline version, where they can Access previous data and they can add new data even without internet connection. I wish I can create a desktop icon for my application, which when offline opens a …

Member Avatar for RAM_8
Member Avatar for kt9871

ran into a little snag with my code. i am trying to push the data of all the nodes in a linkedlist into a stack. problem is, i have no idea how to properly convert a node into a variable. Node current = list.returnHeadNode(); //other code... stack.push(current.getData()); my error lies …

Member Avatar for kt9871
Member Avatar for dan_code_guru

Hi i am working on a server sent event script to be sent when the user has logged out, but in the network tab the server sent pages are being sent every couple of seconds with no data. Client-Side script var source=new EventSource("include/updates.php"); source.addEventListener('logout',function(event){ $("#notificationsContainer").append(event.data + "<br />"); source.close(); },false); …

Member Avatar for dan_code_guru
Member Avatar for tvm78

Alright, so I am designing a program that contains binary trees to function as a parser. I have encounted a very strange problem that is causing my program to fail while it is running. I have done several tests and narrowed down the incidents. Ok, so this results in a …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for limeramen22

Hi. So I have a website (SNIP) and I am setting up a phpBB forum (or something else). But......I'm going mobile-style! Is there anyway I can make it so anytime a new post comes up (assuming the person is on the website), the person gets a push notification or something? …

Member Avatar for Daniel Jones
Member Avatar for ericstern

Hi, I am learning python coming from a C background and I am trying to understand how python lists work. I took a look at the built in methods, and I am wondering if they are implemented like a linked list. The reason I am wondering this, is because I …

Member Avatar for ericstern
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

This code is based on code from series of programs [URL="http://www.ferg.org/thinking_in_tkinter/"]'Thinking in tkinter'[/URL] This code is not perfect, especially it does not recognize key release when mouse moves out of button area during push. Leave event could also be captured for that to stop the event in that case.

Member Avatar for thecoolman5

Hi, i have an ipod touch 4th generation running IOS 5 and the push notifications dont work. They are all on in settings and still nothing. My ipod is NOT jailbroken and it never will be. Thanks

Member Avatar for vishal1949

I am making a program of vehicles and i have to make a car garage class. In the class the max amount of vehicles that could enter are 20 or 25000 lbs. I wrote the charstack and the pop() and the push() but dont know how to limit it to …

Member Avatar for raymagosi
Member Avatar for vishal1949

I just wanted to know what would happen if you abuse the CharStack class by pop()ing more characters than you push()? Would it be an error of out of exception or something else.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for John Linux

Hi, If i have a vector in MATLAB v; [CODE]v = [1 2][/CODE] How can i push a value say '7' to the vector. ie. v = 1 2 7 I am currently doing it in a loop: count = 0 ie. for 1 to 10 count = count + …

Member Avatar for Thisisnotanid
Member Avatar for |Mike|

Hello! I'm trying to modify opensourced application but due to lack of knowledge, I'm stuck. Explantions are in the comments of the app :-) Thanks in adavance for your support! [CODE]void CBaseGame :: FixSlots( ) { struct Struct1{ list<string> UserList; list<CGameSlot> PlayerSlots; }; list<string>::iterator IT; list<CGameSlot>::iterator TI; for( vector<CGamePlayer *> …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for jshoot

Hi everyone, My question is: I have two vectors, for example vectorA and vectorB, vectorA is filled with randomics values, like 23, 43, 54, etc, and its have 1000 members, like vectorA[0], vectorA[1], etc. My vectorB descending of vectorA, I use the "push_back" function to take the values of vectorA, …

Member Avatar for jshoot
Member Avatar for Prisms

Hey guys I am currently writing a code that will take the user input of a number and convert it to its hexadecimal form with the use of Stack ADT. This is what I have so far and would appreciate any help. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "stack.h" …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for OrangeGrover

Hello, first off thanks for reading. So my problem occurs when I try to copy an element from one vector into a second vector. The error that I get says that the vector subscript is out of range when I try to push_back that element. I only get an error …

Member Avatar for OrangeGrover
Member Avatar for nwalser

So i am suppose to write two methods called superPop and superPush. superPop() pops a StarLine object from the stack, sends it to System.out.print, and returns it. superPush() pushes a StarLine object onto the stack, sends it to System.out.print, and returns it. I am continuing to try new things but …

Member Avatar for kramerd
Member Avatar for nwalser

Ok so I have to write a reverse method of a stack and I am not quite sure how to do it. I understand that i need to pop the strings from one stack into another but whenever I try to do this errors arise. Specifically it says it cannot …

Member Avatar for cale.macdonald
Member Avatar for Xufyan

in this program i've pushed 10 values into array but i use the condition [iCODE]if (tos==9)[/iCODE] which means no value should be stored at 10th position but when i am storing values, [iCODE]for (int i=1;i<=10;i++) first.push(i);[/iCODE] [CODE]class Stack{ int StackArray[] = new int[10]; int tos; Stack(){ tos=-1; } public void …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for caierhui

In line 32 which is the lttr[ctr] = read.next().charAt(0); wont read all the letters that i input. it only reads the last letter that i entered. what should i do to be able to display all the letters i entered and be able to reverse there order so that they …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for luiss

Hello all, I recently started using Python to test a Bluetooth Push application prototype and everything was working great until threading. I wonder if someone knows how to start multiple threads of connectpush() with Obexftp running under Linux? So far with the code below I have to wait until the …


The End.