14,952 Topics

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Member Avatar for Skeltpl

Hi I'm new to Python and the book I'm using was designed for an older version of Python and consequently there are some examples in the textbook that don't work in 3.1. My first problem is with the following simple example: num1, num2 = input(" Please enter two numbers (num1, …

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Member Avatar for eva yang

Hi there, Can anybody tell me what is[B] internal documentation[/B] and what is[B] external documentation[/B] based on the following example: def is_palindrome(s): '''If the str is a palindrome which is a phrase that reads the same \ forwards and backwards return True; otherwise, return False.Assume that\ there are only lowercase …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for deonis

Hello ! Recently I was doing some text formatting using python and this forum was extremely handy. My problem now is to put any letter in subscript or superscript. Apparently in Unicode there are just a few symbols in superscript but I want to put let say letter "b" in …

Member Avatar for deonis
Member Avatar for DimaYasny

Hi guys, We're writing a GUI based on PyQt, and we're running into an issue when using different resolutions. Problem is, we can't find how to get the GUI elements to automatically resize when the window is resized, or when the GUI is running on a larger resolution than the …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for Namibnat

Is there a way to incorporate a spell checker within a wxPython gui? I would like to be able to check the spelling of wx.TextCtrl values before they get posted to a sqlite3 database. I would imagine that the spell checker would be very os specific, but for me it …

Member Avatar for Namibnat
Member Avatar for ivh90

hello all first let me say I am really glad to become a part of this community. I am college student majoring in computer systems engineering(more hardware than software), but i am really interested in interfacing computers with microcontroller based projects. I took programming courses in java , and now …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Namibnat

Hi there, I would like to be able to change a button during the runtime of a gui. I can change the value no problem (set Label) but I need to change the size of the button as well. I have managed to change it with SetSize((120, 30)) but then …

Member Avatar for Namibnat
Member Avatar for BlackPhoenix

Hi everyone, I am in the process of learning how to use select to run a server that can handle multiple clients. I have not been able to find any server examples which implement Try/Catch Exception errors, which I believe is the root of my problems. Basically the server works …

Member Avatar for BlackPhoenix
Member Avatar for Krstevski

Hello... I want to display rss feed from another site in html, but I don't know how can I get the images of the rss items... In the rss have only "Title", "Link" and "Description"... So, can someone tell me how to get the images from rss items ? P.S. …

Member Avatar for mahimahi42

I've been coding a simple dice roll game to practice Python. I've got the basic mechanics worked out, but I want to have it so that the player receives 5 points every time the game is won. I've tried just simply adding 5 to the variable (PLAYER_TOTAL in the case), …

Member Avatar for jcao219
Member Avatar for redyugi

I randomly felt the urge to make a password generator, and it runs semi smoothly. However, whenever I choose to make a custom length password, it freezes and my program exits. This is supposed to be simple but...can you help? [CODE]###################### # Password Generator # # Version 1.0 # # …

Member Avatar for redyugi
Member Avatar for senateboy

im using the python command prompt to enter these commands and after the window is shown. it becomes "not responding" which makes all later commands to it do absolutly nothing, including simply trying to resize the window with the mouse. this is how the code starts out... [CODE]import os, sys, …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for RogerI

I have a problem reading in data from a CSV file using tabarray (see code below) because the CSV file has a incomplete fields in the last record of the file. As a consequence I get the following error: [COLOR="Red"] File "build\bdist.win32\egg\tabular\io.py", line 170, in loadSVcols assert (Lens == Lens[0]).all() …

Member Avatar for RogerI
Member Avatar for vlady

Hi everybody, Again, I try to deal with exercise from a book Think Python version 1.1.19., exercise 9.2. (case study: world play) My contents of the words.txt is: "Ahoj, Toto je moj prvy pokus otvorit a citat subor. Vela stastia " Thing is, if you have a look at a …

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Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I wonder what is the name of his widget. It manages wxFrames whose in turn manages wxNoteBooks. It is like wxAUI but its Frames has maximize windows. I wonder what is equivalent wxWidgets/wxPython for [URL="http://www.swordsearcher.com/features/screenshots/swordsearcher-screenshot-full.png"]this [/URL] see here Thanks

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for SoulMazer

Okay, being a Linux guy, I absolutely hate it when applications are not cross-platform (Windows only). So, I decided to write myself a cross-platform media player. I have spent quite the bit of time making it look great on Linux, but I am unable to do the same on Windows …

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Member Avatar for zrin

Hi! I don't have much experience with python, so I hope you could help me. I have to do a program that delete all the punctuations of a input txt document, but i can't figure out how to input the name(of the xy.txt) in the function. Function [CODE]import string def …

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Member Avatar for SoulMazer

Hello, I'm writing a music player and I'm having trouble with one of the most important concepts of it: remembering songs you add to your "Library". The main draw of my music play is being quick and efficient at everything, and keeping that in mind, what would be the best …

Member Avatar for SoulMazer
Member Avatar for funfullson

Hi dears.I want start making a web with python but I know nothing a bout web.and so don't know from where a have to start. I need a point to start and a few knowledge about webs programing foundation.please introduce me a suitable source for beginning. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for letlet_pogs

Hello guys. I just want to ask how to convert this code to python. I am just a beginner in this code. [CODE] String output = "The number is: "; int num= 12; output+=num; System.out.println(output); [/CODE] in my python code, i try to do this: [CODE] output = "The number …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for lewashby

In the following code, I don't understand the line , [COLOR="Red"]print tank_name, tanks[tank_name].[/COLOR] What I'M having trouble with is it seems a little redundant, print thank_name, then thanks(the name of the dictionary), then tank_name again. And why is the second tank_name in "[]" like a list? I can't remember, is …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for yoni0505

I'm trying to learn how to send forms using python 3.1 and it doesn't go well. I've made a simple site with a POST form. it got user and pass fields, and it will save the data into a text file. (for debugging) The site is working, I can type …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for lewashby

In the following program, what is the "values" function? [CODE]for tank in tanks.values(): if tank.alive: print tank.name, "is the winnter!" break[/CODE] I looked it up using Wing IDE and this is what I found. [CODE]def values(self, arg): """ D.values() -> list of D's values """ return [][/CODE] Thanks for any …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for Kruptein

I have a base template which is called every time a template is loaded with the [icode]{% extend 'base.html' %}[/icode] tag In that base file I have a navigation bar with a link to your inbox I want to show after the link a number with how many unread messages …

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Member Avatar for mbox_96

Hi, I'm trying to communicate to a GSM using AT commands and I found xebec module from 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/xebec/' use to communicate to cellphone and GSM, can anybody help me create simple script using this module , like sending "AT" and returns the "OK". Thanks, mbox_96

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for pigmalion

Hi everyone, I'd like to create a child class to the date class in the datetime module and, apart from adding some new methods to it, I'd like my child class to be initializable through different argument arrangements. For example, beyond the (year, month, day) initialization arguments of the parent, …

Member Avatar for pigmalion
Member Avatar for SoulMazer

Hi, I'm trying to add an icon to my Tkinter GUI window and have had no luck. After some searching, I came up with the same piece of code which does not work. Here is a snippet of my code: [code=python]from Tkinter import * root = Tk() root.minsize(290, 700) root.title("My …

Member Avatar for SoulMazer
Member Avatar for johnyboy82

Hi I am having problems using [B]subprocess.Popen.[/B] Here is a small script I have written [CODE]from subprocess import Popen import os global p def executeProcess(): cmd = "ls -l /home" global p p = Popen(cmd) #os.system (cmd)[/CODE] This works only once in a while. I keep getting the error [CODE]Traceback …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for leegeorg07

Hi, I am trying to make a sublime text plugin that will compile some C code, but it uses python for these plugins. I already have a method of using g++ for single files, but I was wondering if anyone knows how to do it for a make file, here …

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Member Avatar for leegeorg07

Hi, I'm trying to find an open source project to strect myself with, I have looked on bitbucket and couldnt find anything, any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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The End.