ChatGPT, Gender Bias, and the Nuclear Apocalypse Community Center by Johannes C. ….jpg) ## Understanding & Replicating the Latest Study on Gender Bias in GPT ## On July 8…than the **asymmetry observed in the original study**, “where phrases stereotypically associated with males are…the Sexes ## In a nutshell, the study revealed that ChatGPT reinforced feminine stereotypes and misattributed… How to Pass the AZ-900 Exam and Best Preparation Resources? Programming Computer Science by EmmaRose123 … strategies for passing it. Specifically, I have a few questions: **Study Materials:** What are the most effective resources for studying for… practice exams that you found particularly helpful? **Study Plan:** How did you structure your study plan? How much time did you allocate… Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Salem If you're sufficiently curious to study how the data arrives at your browser, and can wrangle some Javascript, then perhaps You can post-process the data to be whatever shape you want it to be. Re: How to Pass the AZ-900 Exam and Best Preparation Resources? Programming Computer Science by Luffy_3 thnaks for the info. something to contribute to this discussion? Please be thoughtful, detailed and courteny advice or insights from those who have already passed the exam would be greatly appreciated! Re: How to Pass the AZ-900 Exam and Best Preparation Resources? Programming Computer Science by payerkordiak Thank you for information Study Group 13 introduction + Q&A Programming Computer Science by Ndoom …people – mostly students – who are self-learners. We share the study materials (obviously online materials), help each other in debugging our…be added if some members are interested. Q: Will we study all of them? A: No, you pick the language(s…) you want to learn. Q: How will we study? A: To make the answer organized, I’ll divide it… Study: People comfortable disclosing info on sketchy-looking sites Digital Media Digital Marketing by Emily Banks …published in the Journal of Consumer Research. The study found that "many consumers need help recognizing…and George Loewenstein of Carnegie Mellon University. The study that compared surveys on a professional versus unprofessional site…a self-interested fashion." The Carnegie Mellon study is titled "Strangers on a Plane: Context… Re: Study Group 13 introduction + Q&A Programming Computer Science by invisal In my opinion, to start a successful study group, you will need proper guideline, monitoring your members, and … attention on and belong to the group. Setting up your study group in other people forum limits flexibility in building that… Re: Study Group 13 introduction + Q&A Programming Computer Science by haianaz [QUOTE=invisal;1265243]In my opinion, to start a successful study group, you will need proper guideline, monitoring your members, and … attention on and belong to the group. Setting up your study group in other people forum limits flexibility in building that… Study Confirms What CIOs Have Known All Along Community Center by Lisa Hoover …/0,1014,sid%253D2834%2526cid%253D237066,00.html"]study[/URL] by London-based Deloitte and the Cranfield School… of their responsibilities is likely to be transitory, the study found. Depending on how IT is viewed and used…firm," says Espiner. The takeaway message from the study is that everyone seems confused by what the role … Re: Study Group 13 introduction + Q&A Programming Computer Science by b1izzard @Ndoom: " If you face any troubles with your code/ study, post a new thread" We already doing it thats … Re: Study Group 13 introduction + Q&A Programming Computer Science by Ndoom … =).. mmm.. just to make sure that I got it.. we study on our own and discuss everything on Google groups (or… Re: Study Group 13 introduction + Q&A Programming Computer Science by invisal … need to have. [LIST=1] [*]Everyone need to post their study report weekly. A short brief description. [I]For example:[/I… Re: Study: People comfortable disclosing info on sketchy-looking sites Digital Media Digital Marketing by LastMitch >The study that compared surveys on a professional versus unprofessional site raises … Study problem Programming Software Development by Shaabangbang … i am having difficulties.. i do not know how to study for it, i did miserably on my first midterm, and… i need to pass this course, does anyone have any study tips that can help me? Sorry by the way that… Study Group 4/11 Programming Software Development by predator78 … did also try and find a place to start a study group on the web but to be honest I want… to get a good study group and not a bunch of spyware and spam which… Re: Study Guide - Skills and Interest Programming Computer Science by phorce … a subnote, it's difficult to answer the question on study guides because everyone learns differently. This question is like asking… to get bored!).. Do I think you should have a study guide to say: * Monday - C++ * Tuesday - PHP * .... No. Just think… Study material Programming Software Development by ravikatare Hi, I am new user of VB & Excel Programming, so i need some study material & site reference for getting materrial Please Help Me [email][/email] Re: Study material Programming Software Development by lucavson Hi, am slso in your shoes, if you happen to get any solution, do well to faward the materials to me. thanks. [QUOTE=ravikatare;1013979]Hi, I am new user of VB & Excel Programming, so i need some study material & site reference for getting materrial Please Help Me [email][/email][/QUOTE] Study Guide - Skills and Interest Programming Computer Science by kanoy83 … manage. My only question is: Is there an Effective Dynamic Study Guide for any person who wants to learn a language… Re: Study materials for PyQt.. Programming Software Development by vegaseat … contains a fair number of well commented PyQT examples to study and experiment with. As of 08dec2009 we have: Mainwindow frame… Re: Study materials for PyQt.. Programming Software Development by python.noob … contains a fair number of well commented PyQT examples to study and experiment with. As of 08dec2009 we have: Mainwindow frame… Independent study - what should I pick? Community Center by Duki …ANYWAYS What would you guys suggest I do for my study? I thought about doing something certification based. Right now … one certification, which means more than one semester of study. I also figure being a certified project manager will … even, what would you find interesting as an independant study? Do you think I'm headed in the right … Violent Video Games are Good for Kids, New Study Shows Hardware and Software by H. B. Duran … perplexity at such a claim. In Dr. Ferguson's study entitled, [I]Blazing Angels or Resident Evil? Can Violent…periods in which video games have gained popularity. The study goes on to say that violent video games are … controller. This theory was proven in [I]The Hitman Study: Violent Video Games Exposure Effects on Aggressive Behavior, Hostile … Can anyone help me with the case-study for cmmi? Programming Software Development by Sanjay_6 I am looking for a case study explaining cmmi? The case study could be of any level from 2-…process development, services and acquistion? For example a case study explaining PMC (project monitoring and control) in level …org/wiki/Capability_Maturity_Model_Integration I have search for this case study but i didnot find any helpfull content. So Please… Case Study in VB.Net Programming Software Development by johnny2k … our instructor assinged us a language to create our case study and he gave VB.Net to me... I have to… study the language from scratch... I can't seem to find …ebooks on the net... Another case study i'm having difficulty with is how to write a… case study help please Hardware and Software Networking by allycat Case study R.E. Cycle services ltd is an enterprise specialising in … service for which they issue a paper receipt. The Case study on IT strategy solutions for R.E. Cycle Ltd and… is not a definitive correct answer, it is a case study with an open scenario which has many individual solutions. Hope… Participants needed for VoIP study Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jammer77 Hi everyone, I’m conducting a study of technology in the workplace and I’d like the … a look at [URL=""]Lyrio Workplace Study[/URL] ... it will take just a few minutes… Re: How did/do you study? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mattyd …;280879]Well when you were in school how did you study. [/quote] It depends what I was studying: [LIST] [*]Read … I rarely studied for tests[/LIST]I find that I study almost everyday even after graduating from school-- it should never…topics as A.I. design-dev and builds. I also study things via reading such as: Plato, WWII History, British Lit… Porn Sites Security Risk, Study Finds Hardware and Software Information Security by slfisher A study by a computer security lab has found that porn sites &…/10289009.stm"]article [/URL]by the BBC on the study. (In other news, rocks are hard and water is wet… sites were booby-trapped with adware, spyware, and viruses, the study reported. While this doesn't sound like much, it's…