Well, it took a few months but I finally made it into the top 100 in post count. I wonder how hi I'll go?

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All the way to the top man, all the way to the top :)

nice one mate, didnt even relise there was a top 100, where is it?

Well, it took a few months but I finally made it into the top 100 in post count. I wonder how hi I'll go?

still gotta beat me!! im in 49th place :P

how do we find out where we are?

Open the Members List and then sort by 'posts' and look for where you are...

cheers happygeek, wow looks as if im 100th :d

Cool, didn't know you could do that.

Im in 15th place :)

cheers happygeek, wow looks as if im 100th :d

I guess you're my next victim. :p

I feel so lonely in the three hundreds, but mark my words i shall rise!!

I feel so lonely in the three hundreds, but mark my words i shall rise!!

then the world!!!!! mwwwhhhhaaaaaa :lol:

I feel so lonely in the three hundreds, but mark my words i shall rise!!

Your not alone, I'm like two posts ahead of you and prolly next in the list :P.

I guess you're my next victim. :p

guess i prob should watch my back :lol:

Yeah you guys think you're good, but my two posts beg to differ.
Actually nevermind... they just support how amazing you all are.

you guys think you're good, but my two posts beg to differ.

*snuffle* *clicky* /find all posts by srhalfwaythere/ *snuffle snuffle*......


Yup- those two posts do prove it: you are truly, and without a doubt....
an UberGeek.


Hahah, I've finally been called an Ubergeek. You just made my day.

lol, glad to hear it.
Now- tell me, Oh Uberly One: how do I get my sound card working under FC5? :D

Now- tell me, Oh Uberly One: how do I get my sound card working under FC5?

An uberly one I'm certainly not
so confusion arose in my simple thought
Surely in your marsupial abode
Ought to be a disc of windows stored?

An uberly one I'm certainly not
so confusion arose in my simple thought
Surely in your marsupial abode
Ought to be a disc of windows stored?

Oh Lupine One, my heart it doth sink,
that only of Windows I see that you think.

For the crufty old code of that horrid OS,
hast made of my box a right bloody mess.

So of that abomination, I speaketh no more,
and the "FC" I mentioned is Fedora Core.

And of the sound problem, I did in jest speak,
for the truth it be told, I'm a real Linux Geek!


commented: he he. Good one man. +4

Oh Lupine One, my heart it doth sink,
that only of Windows I see that you think.

For the crufty old code of that horrid OS,
hast made of my box a right bloody mess.

So of that abomination, I speaketh no more,
and the "FC" I mentioned is Fedora Core.

And of the sound problem, I did in jest speak,
for the truth it be told, I'm a real Linux Geek!


You are good. :idea:

You are good. :idea:

It's amazing the inspiration that lack of sleep can give you.... :eek:

It's amazing the inspiration that lack of sleep can give you.... :eek:

:lol: you guys are nuts, wouldnt be the same without you though :cool:

...you guys are nuts...

Yeah, well... I think you're just bound to get that way if you do this for half a decade or more. :eek:

...you guys are nuts...

Didn't it show before?

Let's see if I can help you with that sound card.

But before I start, amazing words guys - I haven't seen a poem duel like that since the 1900's!

What is your sound card that can't seems to work in FC5?


Let's see if I can help you with that sound card. What is your sound card that can't seems to work in FC5?


And of the sound problem, I did in jest speak,
for the truth it be told, I'm a real Linux Geek!

Yeah, Wolfie caught it- the sound works just fine. ;)

I'm actually running SuSE and Mandriva at the moment; I just said "FC5" because it was a more obscure reference to Linux, which you'd need to be sufficiently Geeky to get. I guess the sound card thing is also a throwback to my days moderating at JustLinux, when Red Hat (which spawned the Fedora project) was the most common distro, and we were swamped with newbie posts which basically gave us nothing more than: "HELP ME!!!! I CAN'T GET MY SOUND WORKING WITH REDHAT!!!!!"

what next for the poetic duo? :lol:

just said "FC5" because it was a more obscure reference to Linux, which you'd need to be sufficiently Geeky to get.

I am running FC5, at the moment. Does that make me more than sufficient a geek? :eek:

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