do you know what the 'F' word actually means? (apart from any modern meaning applied to it, which actually comes from its real meaning)

in the middle ages, as you may know, when a man wanted to have sexual intercourse with his bride, he needed the authorization of the king. So they would be put into a room with a sign on the door which said <snipped> which means "fornicating under consent of the king", thereby, F***

That's why it is actually used as to describe a sexual act...

iamthwee commented: stupid and pointless -2

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From what source are you drawing this information?

... I to would like to know the source of your information :?:

hah... i just read (guess where... wikipedia of course), that the etymology i wrote down is one of the false etymologies... lol

i read it somewhere... for those who wondered what my source was... though i guess i should've looked for it @ wikipedia...

ok... another one...

the work "Okay" (as you all know) comes from O.K., which has its origin in the WWII, where germans, imitating the english phrase "All Correct" wrote it as "oll korrekt", which was abbreviated "O.K."

That's not the first time I've heard about the origin of the F word. It's actually very interesting.

The wisdom of crowds was once again defeated by the mentality of morons :)

the work "Okay" (as you all know) comes from O.K., which has its origin in the WWII, where germans, imitating the english phrase "All Correct" wrote it as "oll korrekt", which was abbreviated "O.K."

Yes, I remember someone else talking about that in another thread..
..and as for the "f" word, from what I understand, it originally came from old Anglo Saxon society.. when farmers would plant seed, fertilize it.. they called it "f-ing". Henceforth, human sex became known as "f-ing". Hah.. maybe thats not quite right, but thats what I've heard.

Yes, I remember someone else talking about that in another thread..

that would have been me too...

..and as for the "f" word, from what I understand, it originally came from old Anglo Saxon society.. when farmers would plant seed, fertilize it.. they called it "f-ing". Henceforth, human sex became known as "f-ing". Hah.. maybe thats not quite right, but thats what I've heard.

i checked it out @ wikipedia and it says a lot from saxon languages... bu the explanation is too complicated so i got bored... :P

Has anyone else seen the Google ads on this thread besides me?

Not until you posted that...

I don't see it anymore.

I saw a

mother daughter *badword* com find what you're looking for!

hmm didnt know ebay endorsed that! ;)

Has anyone else seen the Google ads on this thread besides me?

lmao! '"F" Chat'. Why, thank you google..

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