Hey all you guys and gals! I was just checking up on my site stats and it looks like we average about 3,000 hits per day.

Now, remember, these are forums, afterall, so most people do visit a few pages per visit. So it comes out to about 300 unique visitors per day.

So, why then, does everyone browse and snoop around, but no one signs up or posts? I was wondering if you loyal TechTalk members could help me think of some ways to get people more motivated into participating.

Now, I know that a lot of people just visit forums for information and rarely have something to contribute ... but a few hundred people per day are visiting, and only one every few days is even bothering to sign up?

Just wondering if anyone has some motivating ideas out there! LOL ;)

To all those who have posted and made TTF what it is, thank you! You guys are all definitely appreciated! ;)

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To all those who have posted and made TTF what it is, thank you! You guys are all definitely appreciated!

*Takes a bow, catches roses thrown at him from the audience*


hahaha!! :) :)

Roberdin you caught that message just in the knick of time! I think you registered and posted less than 10 minutes before I just posted that. LOL

(Disproves my point a bit, now doesn't it? ;))

Well if you were to ask me... I suppose the menu bar at the top is a little big compared to the site. Maybe if you tone that down a little it will encourge those on 800x600 resolutions.
A Main board index? It is a little difficult to navigate the news page for forums.
Hmmm... More themes? Can be downlaoded from phpbb.com. Although they can be diffcult to manage when implementing modifications to the code (speaking from expierence here).

I like this place it feels like home :-)

cssgal, I would suggest trying to create some posts, polls, or whatever based on news and events. That is why I have been posting as often as I visit.

Figure if the topics are new and fresh, then folks may be more willing to post and add their two bits.

AS for something more specific I am not sure, but I am trying to draw others I know here.

Maybe nab someone to be a fetcher for new things, sites, programs, tweaks, code, etc.

Definitely a good forum. I can see it maturing. I still remember the yellow layout it had. Every time I see the slogan "where cool techies unite" I grin. =) I haven't had much time to post as much as I used to, but I do check it moderately. Keep up the good work.

Well, you haven't signed me up to any spam lists (so far)... so you're on my favourites list.

roberdin, the top menu bar has always been a lot smaller ... for some reason, I just made it bigger yesterday. My mistake! ;) I'm going to go make it smaller now.

Thank you everyone for staying loyal to TechTalk (especially those who have been behind me through all this for over a year!) In any case, just want to say that every lil bit is appreciated!

Yeah, looks much more... "fitting" ;).

Hmmm... what happened to the emotiocn thingy where you can just click the one you want? Or is it a trap to get newbies? :twisted:

Errr... *struggling*
"Goto page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Next", the "You're browsing the Geek's Lounge forum" and the "Users browsing this forum: Roberdin" is a little big?

You mean the lil table with all the emoticons, where you can click on the one you want in the message body?

Well, I was playing around with it a bit, and I noticed that if you use it in combination with BBCode such as quote, code, list, etc, inserting a smilie will sometimes somehow erase everything in the textbox! (With no way to recover what you had just wrote). I thought it was related to my style (as I created this one from scratch). But to my dismay I went to phpBB and was able to get the same thing to happen on their forums!

So I figured it would be better if I just got rid of it. :)

Also, before I forget ...

I'm not sure that I think that the page #s, users browsing this forum, etc etc are too big. I sorta like them big.

Maybe if other people agree with you then I'll consider making them smaller. You did just give me an idea however. I just edited the css so that font sizes are relative as opposed to absolute. This way you can use the Text Size: large, med, small, etc menu in IE to change the look. (depending on your resolution)

Cool. *Runs away adn hides under bed before CSCGal can get angry* ;)

150 members and 50 of those have posted on TechTalk :) Now I could understand if people signed up to have access to content. But guests can view everything! They just can't post. So why bother registering if you're not going to post? Maybe it's just me ;) but I don't get it!

I know what you mean. I get that at my fora.

Probably because they're used to. You also make it easy to register, which is a good thing (you have the registration form on the home page where it's very accessible). Some forums that I visit, you have to register if you want to view certain articles, which is kind of annoying. Or sometimes I get the teaser - where first you see the first page of an article then when you click on "next" to see the next page of the article, then you get an annoying form to register. Builder does this as well as ColdFusion Developer's Journal (two sites I often visit).

Also, for a lot of the sites it's too much of a hassle to register. Usually you have to go to a different page to register, and have to fill out more than 2 fields (I hate filling out more than just userid/pw and bothering with the rest - address, phone, etc). Then you have to wait for a response from them to confirm, which can sometimes take hours or even days.

Maybe if you put a message that the user doesn't have to register to view content or even post stuff. But then again if you do that, they probably won't register and miss out on all the other features. Hmm... tough one. ;)

Hey all you guys and gals! I was just checking up on my site stats and it looks like we average about 3,000 hits per day.

Now, remember, these are forums, afterall, so most people do visit a few pages per visit. So it comes out to about 300 unique visitors per day.

So, why then, does everyone browse and snoop around, but no one signs up or posts? I was wondering if you loyal TechTalk members could help me think of some ways to get people more motivated into participating.

Now, I know that a lot of people just visit forums for information and rarely have something to contribute ... but a few hundred people per day are visiting, and only one every few days is even bothering to sign up?

Just wondering if anyone has some motivating ideas out there! LOL ;)

To all those who have posted and made TTF what it is, thank you! You guys are all definitely appreciated! ;)

I know that people that have "eye catching" sites get alot more attention.. The site looks professional, and I love the color scheme.. Perhaps if you have a image option in the sig.. nothing big like 150 X 150 pixels.. But something small like 50x50 in a sig image.. We should start a street team, or a web ring. *chuckles*

Perhaps if you have a image option in the sig.. nothing big like 150 X 150 pixels.. But something small like 50x50 in a sig image.. We should start a street team, or a web ring. *chuckles*

You can put images in your signature. You just need to have them hosted somewhere, and put in [img] tags in your signature. Just look at mine!

I am a newbie and a novice as some of you will have encountered already. i was on of the lads that found this site through having my IE6 hijacked (thanks ron wolpa and a big thanks to caperjack). When i found this site i was glad to have somewhere where i could gather info and learn about computers and the like. I agree with inscissor about the sign up thingy its simple. I mean before i new it id signed up (and you were like woah and we were like woah- sorry just watched finding nemo with my daughter and cant get that out of my head) err where was. Oh yeah its cool that this place exists and it lets us (the users) to find advice and put it to practice ourselves. which is the only way to learn. I think that the only reason people dont sign up is that maybe they feel intimadated by the wealth of knowledge that you guys have between you i mean you scare the hell out of me. Every time i leave a msg i feel like a pratt (youre probably thinking no wonder) but i have left quite a few replys and read all the threads i can find. Which might be the only niggle i find sometimes its a bit hard to navigate about. But im really picking wholes with that remark
all in all i think youre really doing a fantastic job so please keep up the good work

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