I just stumbled on this site and could not resist registering. I have a husband, no kids, and a dog worse than most juvenile delinquents. (I can say that about her, but no one else can.) Honey Bear's problem is she can't figure the rules to fetch. She never brings the ball back when you throw it, and when she gets tired of the game she buries the ball. If I want to play with her I just chase her around, pretending to growl at her. I am interested in computers, role-playing games and I love to listen to audio-books. I also have what I call Elvis-radar. If there is anything about Elvis (deep sigh) in the room I WILL find it. (My husband teases me about it, especially about the fact that when the King died I grieved as if I had lost a family member. I keep reminding him that we are talking about Elvis (deep sigh), the most important person of the last century.) I am told that I am insane and have no sense of humor, but I don 't listen to vicious rumors.

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Glad to have you with us!

welcome, you sound very quirky. should fit in well :)

She never brings the ball back when you throw it, and when she gets tired of the game she buries the ball.

LOL.. Welcome to Daniweb otakh! :)


Welcome to Daniweb friend :)

Howdy, and Welcome to Daniweb :)

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