Hi all, I was doing a search on Google for some help with connecting my MacBook to a networked printer running from a PC with an XP os in another room of my house. Google gave me this web site so I thought I may as well join. :) Haven't found any answers yet, but I was distracted by joining up for this. lol

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Hi Margret, welcome to DaniWeb.



Hi all, I was doing a search on Google for some help with connecting my MacBook to a networked printer running from a PC with an XP os in another room of my house. Google gave me this web site so I thought I may as well join. :) Haven't found any answers yet, but I was distracted by joining up for this. lol


Its possible as i think Macs include a version of a thing called SAMBA


Its possible as i think Macs include a version of a thing called SAMBA

Thanks jbennet - i'll see what that SAMBA's all about...I'm not too swift within the Mac world yet, but I'm hoping to catch on eventually. : )

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