
I have two roommate's that download movies all day, every day. It's to the point now that there is no bandwidth left for me to even surf the Internet with. My question is:

Is there anyway to install some kind of software on my computer (ubuntu 7.10 or windows vista) that will limit the bandwidth that they receive?


Sorry for posting this in two different forums... I don't know where the question belongs.

no, that sort of thing can be implemented on HIS computer or the router


I have two roommate's that download movies all day, every day. It's to the point now that there is no bandwidth left for me to even surf the Internet with. My question is:

Is there anyway to install some kind of software on my computer (ubuntu 7.10 or windows vista) that will limit the bandwidth that they receive?


Sorry for posting this in two different forums... I don't know where the question belongs.

I've had a similar experience.
http://www.keconnect.co.uk/products/cpe/zyxel-adsl2/ Sorted me out. I used the built in bandwidth manager to manage what bandwidth was sent to what network cards on the network. I created a custom rule that one a certain amount of data had been transferred in a particular week, it would notify me with an email, if it went over it's monthly allowance that I set, it would stop internet connectivity all together.

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