i am starting a small business and need a laptop something in 700.00 range that is good and able to handle adobe photoshop and not slow down when u do other things. Have a webcam and burn cds with lightscribe... and at least a 17 inch screen... i dont kno anything about the windows vista but have heard alot of bad things about it that alot of programs wont run on vista.... so any suggestions would be GREATLY appericated
Thanks in advance

Hi. I hate to be this person.

First, this question is better suited in the Techies Lounge.

Second, being someone who has been searching for a laptop for quite some time now, I can tell you with a fair amount of certainty that you're not going to get a good laptop for what you want in that price range.

Something more around the $900 - $1000 mark.

2gb ram, Vista Ultimate/Business. Possibly something other than those Intel graphics.

The cd/dvd etch requirement pretty much limit you to HP and Toshiba AFAIK.


>able to handle adobe photoshop and not slow down when u do other things
Photoshop is a resource hog. Keep that in mind. If you're going to be running Vista and Photoshop, I'd recommend at least 2GB of RAM.

>Have a webcam and burn cds with lightscribe...
You can buy these as USB or Firewire peripherals, probably for less than it would be built-in.

>heard alot of bad things about it that alot of programs wont run on vista
That's the case with any new OS. It's getting better by the day.

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