frodo_man 0 Newbie Poster

I have been a software engineer in a company for 2.5 years working with VC++ and C#. I always want to do my own business but don't know where to start...

For the last year I have been doing the project Xmart Calculator SNIP on my own during my spare time. It cost me about 3k pounds and there is no income up till now. I am afraid this is not a good project...

My next plan is either applying for a higher pay job or try to do some iphone apps. Both have advantages and disadvantages I really don't now which should I choose.

For another job, I may get better pay, but there would not be so much free time...For the iphone, I am really excited about it but it may cost another 1000 pounds to start...

Which way do you think is better for me? or are there any good option for me...


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