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Some days ago , I was at some forums reading a topic about the business books to read. Many good recommendations were made , but what got me hooked into the topic was a comment that someone made...

Here are his exact words - I dunno... it always seemed to me that ppl who read those books are the same people spending 10 hours/day in meetings rather than moving their biz. *shrug*

Intersting... But I really would like to make a few points here.

1. Why do people go to Business Schools and spend two years getting hauled up there ? Actually there is so much to learn that you cannot hope to learn it all using Hit-and-trial...

2. If you do a high-end business then -

a. You will really need to learn the corporate lingo and How things are done there.

b. Networking is the lifeline of any business. No People - No Business. End of story.

The point is - If you really want to succeed , you cannot stop learning.

But there is a trap in here - You read too much and hardly get any work done. Even I had fallen into it once but thanks god , I found a solution to it :

According to the Marketing Guru Jay Abraham you *Must* Never ever spend more than 15% of your time doing something which would not make you money.

If you really want to understand what I am trying to say , do read Rich Dad Poor Dad , and you would undertand the importance of continuously investing in teaching yourself.

Here's an important excrept from that book that explains the utter importance of continuously investing in educating yourself -

I was listening to a tape by Peter Lynch and he had said somrthing I completely disagreed with. Instead of becoming arrogant and critical , I simply pushed "rewind" and I listened to that five-minute stretch of tape atlease twenty times. Possibly More. But Suddenly , by keeping my mind open , I understood why he said what he said.

The Net Result : I still have the old way I USED TO THINK , and I have Peter's way of looking at the same problem. or situation. I have two thoughts instead of one. One more way to analyse a problem or trend, and that is priceless. Today , I often say , "How would Peter Lynch do this , or Donald Trump or Warren Buffet or George Soros?" The only way I can access their vast mental power is to be humble enough to read or listen to what they have to say. Arrogant or critical people are often people with low self-esteem who are afraid of taking risks. You see, if you learn something new, you are required to make mistakes in order to fully understand what you have learned

What do you think about it ? Do post your opinions below.