Hi team I have a problem Everytime I go to windows media player I get this Volume Logic box poping up and its annoying I guess I downloaded it a while back for a demo and silly me now has it forever I have gone in regedit and got rid of part but it keeps coming back
H E L P please and yes before anyone says I told you nothing is free I know lol thank you bandit3999

Are you sure you installed a legit version of the demo? I can't find reports anywhere online of a difficult uninstallation of the demo. If it's from the official site, you should just be able to uninstall it using Windows' Add/Remove control panel. Volume Logic also comes with an uninstaller, which may be different than what the Add/Remove control panel does.

Lastly, you registry may have gotten corrupted, which could prevent the uninstaller from removing the Volume Logic plugin from Windows Media Player.

You may also want to try completely installing Volume Logic before uninstalling - often files get corrupted which prevents a complete uninstall. The installer then repairs these files, allowing for a full removal of the demo.

If it's really annoying, you may even want to email Volume Logic's tech support, because if their software won't uninstall, then they should feel obliged to help you (even if it's a little bit of help).

You may also want to try completely installing Volume Logic before uninstalling - often files get corrupted which prevents a complete uninstall. The installer then repairs these files, allowing for a full removal of the demo.

If it's really annoying, you may even want to email Volume Logic's tech support, because if their software won't uninstall, then they should feel obliged to help you (even if it's a little bit of help).

Hey joe thanks alot I downloaded it again and this time I downloaded the one for windows and not for ipod then went in to add and remove and got rid of it thanks again Bandit3999

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