Oooh! Just did a Google search and the SERPS looks different!! New white heading. What does everyone think?

I don't see any difference. But I did get 1,340,000 hits on SERPS :sweat:

Oooh they have the same outlook as DaniWeb ... clicking on the Site Management category instantly brings you site management forums, blog entries, link directory links, etc. :)

I don't see any difference too, is it the normal, searched for some thing,still looks the same

Oooh! Just did a Google search and the SERPS looks different!! New white heading. What does everyone think?

Nothing is different to me for now.

Just old good google :)

nothing different in the serps pages, just the homepage has a different logo. haha

Yes cscgal, it looks the same way as always. :)
I also don't see such changes.

look at the date before bumping an old thread. :) Thanks.

Google always looks different, espesically with their logos on holidays..heh.

I don't see anything different

This new look is stupid. They are trying to copy Bing. I hate Microsoft, which is why I love Google. Now they are trying to copy, it makes me feel sick. I feel like everything MS does is based on the premise that users can't figure things out for themselves. "The Decision Engine, because you aren't smart enough to make your own decision." Fuck you microsoft. Go out of business.

Thread is about Google, not MS.

>This new look is stupid. ...
Yeah! Rabble, rabble, rabble!!11!

Sorry to hear that you are feeling sick. Perhaps you just need some fresh air. (This thread didn't though...)

Google looks very different. Seems just like yesterday that the homepage had the plain word Google Beta at the top with no links unless you put in a search. Take a look at this youtube video

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