I doing work on directory submission, forum posting, blog and article commenting for increasing my site PR and generate site traffic. I want to ask that which one is most effective for increase site page rank.

Thanks in advance

Try to get quality do follow backlinks through any technique, so that you can get PR link juice. For traffic use social bookmarking and using social networking sites.

Getting more relevant back links from related niche sites are the best way to get high PR.

Yes relevant and high pr backlinks increase your pr.

Links Links and Links. PR just depends on backlinks. so keep your move on link building. Getting links from high PR can improve your PR.

There is not singular or particular one which is more effective. I think you need to combine the implementation of all of them. Yes, I agree with building backlinks from relevant high PR sites. But also try to consider using relevant No-follow sites with quality content. As this is also important. In the little time I have been doing business I have learned that we have to combine a lot of things.

I think all of this is important in order to have a high PR, but make sure that your exchange links is beneficial to your site.

Getting more relevant back links from high PR site is the most effective way to increase PR.

more followed backlinks really helps us to get high PR and that is.

Thanks everybody for your useful suggestions!
I want to ask that getting links from no follow sites are useful or not ?

I doing work on directory submission, forum posting, blog and article commenting for increasing my site PR and generate site traffic. I want to ask that which one is most effective for increase site page rank.

Thanks in advance

how long you are working to promote your site or getting PR? it will take time, patience and continue work on all seo strategy.

Thanks everybody for your useful suggestions!
I want to ask that getting links from no follow sites are useful or not ?

from my point of view Google takes 'no follow' as a simple text not as a link.but from 'no follow'we can get traffic.i dont ignore no follow.

the a lot of quality backlinks is very important

Hi risahe,
Thanks for your suggestions!
Please suggest me some effective techniques by which I can increase my website back links.

Thanks in advance

Yes - Backlinks are key.

There are several SEO techniques to increase a web site's Google pagerank. Even if you only follow one of the techniques below, you can expect to see a positive difference in your website's pagerank
1. content
2. backlinks
3. forums & blogs
4. articles

According to me article submission is best way.Submit your article to promote your website. Once you publish an article on a popular article directory, lots of people will read your article. If these readers find your content interesting and informative, they will obviously love to know more about your business, and thus, will visit your site through the link that you provide in your resource box. So a well-written article posted on a good article directory will soon bring you new customers.

For increasing PR purpose, I think you should concern on those niche relative dofollow sources. Of course, the contents on your own sites are also important for a higher PR. :)


Before you start on anything, please do remember that you need a sustained number of links every month in order to gain the most benefit from link building strategies. So do have a plan and execute your link building according to this plan

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