Hi, I am new to emarketing .. I need some help raising my website [snipped] in the first page of Google search result upon searching on "Web development company in egypt" .. how can I do that fast?

This post should be in Internet Marketing > Search Engine Optimization.

Create great content.

Start social bookmarking and article marketing.

Write decent content which should be unique and attractive and submit it to different search engines and social media sites.

content and backlink only will help you to get rank.

Try to do Search engine submission its will help to get good ranking in search engines and also do book marks its will helps crawl our site....

Start SEO for your site. Do On-page optimization of your site, followed by off-page optimization. Use professional help or you can do this yourself. Make a list of keywords that you want to promote and apply all SEO strategies on them.

Get some Quality backlinks from an higher PR sites.Create some good and attractive content which would attract more traffic towards the website.Undergo some Article Submissions,Director Submissions,Forum,Classifieds,Blogs and Press Release.Link Exchange also helps a lot.

create a qualitative content do on page and off page optimization

Create compelling contents with good English. Have your website easily navigable. Create Title Tag. Write a good Meta Description. As far as offsite optimization goes, submit articles and videos.

These are the best ways to promote the website.
1. Forum posting
2. Social bookmarking
3. Link wheel
4. Press Release.

Create backlinks for you site and do some on page seo to get traffic from search engine

To promote your website on search engines do SEO for the site with all other site promoting strategies.SEO is the process of increasing the visibility of the site online,there by promoting your site.This is an efficient method as it drives instant traffic to the site while increasing the PR.

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