I want to submit my directory for yahoo.But I dont know yahoo webmaster tool.Please teel me what is the address and what is the process to yahoo directory submission.

Your title is a bit misleading; submitting a site to Yahoo! is unrelated to on-page optimization. On-page optimization is about factors on the page that make the page search engine friendly.

Getting links to a page, submitting to directories, social bookmarking, etc. is part of the field of off-page optimization.

In any case, I believe the Yahoo! search has been combined with the Bing search engine, so you would actually be submitting through Bing's Webmaster Tools page:

Bing Webmaster Tools

Hope this helps.

Good to replied DavidB..I hope that will be useful to the above query.

Yes DavidB is the best replied you see and go to webmaster tool and add website listing.

Yahoo Directory submission is a paid service. If you pay then you will able to submit your website URL in yahoo directory.

Yes it was worng title in my post.Thanks for help.

some tools are available which automatically submit your website to many directories search them on google. best of luck

There is a option of open directory submission and there you can submit your site in yahoo.

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