I have just started looking at stats for my site. Some of the stats worried me. For example:-

70% people leave the site within 0-30 seconds
Only 10% of traffic comes from search engines (and only a small amount of these come from searches other than the name of my business)
Only 8% of traffic comes from other sites

I would really appreciate hearing what the averages are for these stats so I can make a plan on how to improve them. I need to know what is realistic first though!


Join the club :) Without disclosing actual data, the vast majority leave DaniWeb within seconds. However, 96% of our traffic comes from Google.

Our major problem seems to be that just soooo many people land on individual thread pages as a result of performing Google searches, and if they don't instantaneously see exactly what they were looking for, they just hit the back button and go down to the next item in the search results.

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