Hello all,

I have a forum, and i need help in making it grow.

I don't know where to advertise, i have done google searches and done all of the free sites that look good, but, i need more help...

I need something that is free... and can get me members...

Where should i go?


I think the standard answer is google (the search engine, not adwords). Just keep writing good posts / articles that will serve as link bait.

Alright, i'm doing that...

and i have added it into google.


You should create a sitemap (there is a mybb plugin for this) and submit it to google.com/webmaster, yahoo site explorer and live.com's webmaster tools.

I haven't had much luck with banner adds personally, but you may try buysellads.com - that's a good place to purchase ads.

I think forums are a perfect way to get moral support and get open to the problems that people are thinking about.

To promote it, do some banner advertising on other forums, participate in them and let the members know about your forum putting links in your signature. Participating in Social bookmarking and networking sites is also a good way to get visitors. Other than this, there are many more ways that you can find going thru the forum.

I think forums are a perfect way to get moral support and get open to the problems that people are thinking about.

To promote it, do some banner advertising on other forums, participate in them and let the members know about your forum putting links in your signature. Participating in Social bookmarking and networking sites is also a good way to get visitors. Other than this, there are many more ways that you can find going thru the forum.

yes it's very important to gain followers on social networking sites, encourage them to join your forums, also try to give special prizes for someone who can refer your forums to other people as well, this is a good method to increase the people in your community, by the way do follow forums attracts more visitors.

You should create a sitemap (there is a mybb plugin for this) and submit it to google.com/webmaster, yahoo site explorer and live.com's webmaster tools.

I haven't had much luck with banner adds personally, but you may try buysellads.com - that's a good place to purchase ads.

Alright, thanks for that. I'll give that a try.



Adevertise at daniweb , PM dani.

Adevertise at daniweb , PM dani.

I am speaking to Dani, and we are have been speaking. i just need to get more traffic on the site before anything will appear on daniweb.


what about spread the words and love with twitter ,I think that Good since you have "direct called to say "Hi am exist..

So, twitter will be a good idea?

I have been thinking about it...

Maybe, i should do it then.....


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