Here is the link to the story at All Things Digital

Microsoft/Bing seems to have one-upped Google!

Mere hours after the Microsoft/Bing announcement, Google announced that they too will offer Twitter updates in their search results.

Here is the article posted by Google VP of Search Products and User Experience, Marissa Mayer.

The question now is whether or not Google will include Facebook updates as well. The Facebook deal with Microsoft/Bing is not exclusive, so Google could get involved if they wanted to.

Should be interesting to see how these "status updates" are going to be integrated.

Since these search engines use different algorithms, even if Google and Bing/Yahoo both have parnterships with these major social media communities, I predict results will be slightly different enough to warrant both search engines to be used. What do you think?

Mere hours after the Microsoft/Bing announcement, Google announced that they too will offer Twitter updates in their search results.

Here is the article posted by Google VP of Search Products and User Experience, Marissa Mayer.

The question now is whether or not Google will include Facebook updates as well. The Facebook deal with Microsoft/Bing is not exclusive, so Google could get involved if they wanted to.

Should be interesting to see how these "status updates" are going to be integrated.

From what I read, Google was in talks with Facebook to include them also but Microsoft/Bing sealed the deal (a non-exclusive one like the Twitter deal) first. But, as InsightsDigital posted under the post from CSCGAL about the Google/Twitter deal, there are privacy issues involved here that will require an opt-in/opt-out option.

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