Hi guys,

I read an article recently critisizing many shopping carts for not being SEO friendly. Does anyone know if Zen cart is SEO Friendly or have any experience with it in that way?


May I know which article you are refering to? I realy want to read the comments on shopping carts as we run one!

Sorry, not familiar with zen cart.

It can be made SE friendly, ;) it will take some modification of the basic cart.

Is this modification documented somewhere?

If you shall provide the url, I can guide you properly.

If you shall provide the url, I can guide you properly.

Treat these sites as you treat your normal content sites. Keep your H1 tags, anchor tags and other tags which you consider will seo'ing your normal content sites intact. Then i guess you should go with deep linking as your linking building strategy.....

E-commerce Solutions
Branded Lighting

Apart from seo the ecommerce site need pretty nice design, user friendly product pages and navigation, fidelity content , logo, and online branding.

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