There is not much information about this in the market. If it is used or is still in experiment mode, like what is happening with this one.

I have been in the industry for a very long time, and have never heard of it.

There’s white hat, of course. Black hat. And then there’s grey hat, where you’re being creative with white hat techniques designed specifically to focus on short term gains.

commented: From what I read this was a thing in 2019. Essentially? Grey hat. +17

Blue hat SEO refers to aggressive or unconventional SEO techniques that push the boundaries of search engine guidelines. It often involves using tactics that may be seen as manipulative or unethical to quickly achieve higher rankings. These strategies can carry risks of penalties from search engines and may not provide sustainable long-term results.

Blue Hat SEO is the study of advanced Internet marketing and search engine optimization methods and techniques. Blue Hat SEO combines the advanced knowledge of both Black Hat and White Hat SEO

Yet another example of taking a simple concept (black hat vs white hat from old cowboy flicks) and diluting it until nobody can make sense of it anymore. Just like the myriad different coloured wrist bands and ribbons. What's next? Purple hat? Green Hat?

commented: The Cat In The Hat. Still a favorite. +17
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