Hello, my name is Amanda and I am quite new here. I tried to add a few words to my website page located at www.openrangemagazine.com/thisissue.htm - as you can see (if you don't mind going there) the page is now blank. I have no idea what I did. Here is the code that is there now. I hope someone can help me? Thank you! Amanda

The Open Range - The West's Premiere Real Western Magazine
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	Open Range Magazineā„¢
	<br>P.O. Box 1207
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	<font size="3"><b>Volume II Issue 1 2009</b></font>
	Cover photo &copy; <span id="lw_1236873592_1">Amanda Smith</span> - <a target="_blank" href="http://www.countryandwesterncowboy.com"><span id="lw_1236873592_2">www.countryandwesterncowboy.com</span></a><br>
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	<b><span class="browtext"><li>Featured <span id="lw_1236834666_0">Cowboy Poet</span> - <a href="http://www.kencookcowboypoet.com/media/Ken%20Cook%20-%20Come%20with%20Me.mp3">Ken Cook</a> - He'll keep you enlightened with his rhythm and rhyme.
	<li>Featured <span id="lw_1236834666_1">Open Range</span> Music Artist - <span id="lw_1236834666_2">Todd Fritsch</span> - everything country has been missing, and more.
	<li>Open Range Book Review - Smoke from the Branding Fire - Author Joyce Pallister - Reviewed by Laurie Hodges Humble<em>.<br>
	<li>Recreation in the West!
	<li><span id="lw_1236834666_3">Religion in the West</span>!
	<li>Bunkhouse Recipes! - A fabulous section of a recipe on cowboy cuisine!
	<li>Calving Season in <span id="lw_1236834887_4">full swing.</span><li>Capturing the West - Open Range Featured Artist.<li>And Much More! 


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Okay everyone.... I figured it out. My mistake.. I am a dork. Have a beautiful Memorial Day tomorrow!

The page doesn't look Blank to me

Okay everyone.... I figured it out. My mistake.. I am a dork. Have a beautiful Memorial Day tomorrow!

No worries, nobody is perfect.

PS: Nice web site layout

For those who didn't see it, she has an unescaped < in the first script.

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