This is my problem - I have a website which up til 3 years ago I ran using Frontpage (I know, I know.. but I learnt html back in 1999..).
Then someone else ran it for me, and they have now decided that they don't want to anymore, except they gave me the details and the site is run in Joomla.
I have no idea how to edit using Joomla, have looked at zillions of pages of how-to's and help tutorials, but still can't get my head round it (I have 2 hours every evening for this after my third baby falls asleep:) ). I can't see where the google adsense modules are, can't edit the background.... the only thing I have managed to do is change the basic text on a couple of pages, and in the process lost the google adsense boxes!
So, what i want to know is does anyone have any advice for other software (more along the lines of frontpage where everything is visible to someone like me!) and how do I go about changing the software editor from Joomla?
All I can find on the internet is "change to Joomla!" and not "change from Joomla!".
Any help would be appreciated!
Cheers all! :)

Hi Sophie,

Give us a call at [snipped]

Ask to speak with Dave, I can help you work through your issues not a big deal by the sounds of it if you know HTML and you have built your own website than using joomla, in my opinion one of the very best website builders known to man....or woman.

I'll help you out if you still can't grasp it I will send you an easy to use HTML template.

[snipped] Search Engine Optimization Experts.

This is my problem - I have a website which up til 3 years ago I ran using Frontpage (I know, I know.. but I learnt html back in 1999..).
Then someone else ran it for me, and they have now decided that they don't want to anymore, except they gave me the details and the site is run in Joomla.
I have no idea how to edit using Joomla, have looked at zillions of pages of how-to's and help tutorials, but still can't get my head round it (I have 2 hours every evening for this after my third baby falls asleep:) ). I can't see where the google adsense modules are, can't edit the background.... the only thing I have managed to do is change the basic text on a couple of pages, and in the process lost the google adsense boxes!
So, what i want to know is does anyone have any advice for other software (more along the lines of frontpage where everything is visible to someone like me!) and how do I go about changing the software editor from Joomla?
All I can find on the internet is "change to Joomla!" and not "change from Joomla!".
Any help would be appreciated!
Cheers all! :)

Nice did that number help you out?

Okay, the Joomla CMS is definatley the best CMS. VERY easy to learn. Please stick with it.

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