Normally I can fall asleep and not wake up till morning but last night as I lay in bed last night unable to sleep, this thought popped into my head ...............

"Has anybody ever thought of making HDD interlinkable? So for example if you have a Database and you need to expand you could just plug in another HDD to the first 20GB add second 20GB and you'd have one 40GB HDD .............."

Now should I be worried about my insomnia or do you reckon it's a phase

Oh and any thoughts on the HDD thing?

As for the insomnia it comes and goes with your mood and other factors if it persists you might want to see a doctor as for the hard drive thing I'm not completely sure what your getting at but you can link multiple hard drives together to act as one in raid. Meaning you can connect 2 20 gig hard drives together and they act as a 40 gig hard drive.

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