camelotmsl 0 Newbie Poster

Can anyone help?

I have a problem which has been caused by Microsoft security update patch 834489 that has stopped IE explorer from accepting the command etc.

Therefore a login to a member’s area protected by an .htaccess file with the following code.

AuthType Basic
AuthName ""
AuthUserFile /home/sites/yourdomain/web/membersarea/file_containing¬_user_and_password
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName "Secure directory"
Require valid-user

I would like to keep the .htaccess file if possible as I feel it is the securest way of protecting a directory from non members (or am I prejudice?)

Does anyone know of any code that could be incorporated in the .htaccess file that would not give that annoying user password screen that pops up every time your browser requests access to an .htaccess directory i.e. if the request come from a cgi or php script to ignore the valid-user require statement or better still a piece of code that ignores the .htaccess file completely?

I hope this question is concise as it is my first posting if you need more info please contact me.