animatrick 0 Newbie Poster

Yahoo server doesn’t support drupal, but for some of you with yahoo account, it might be interesting to know how to install the drupal on yahoo server.

Here is the trick.
1. Go to and download the latest version of drupal .
2. Unpack the drupal-6.8.tar.gz.
3. Open the drupal-6.8 or the latest version.
4. Open the folder sites /default/default.settings.php and save it as settings.php .
5. Delete the default.settings.php file.
6. open the settings.php and change $db_url = ‘mysql://username:password@localhost/databasename’; to
$db_url = ‘mysql://your mysql username: yourpassword@MySQL/yourdatabasename ‘;
7. with a text editor open modeules/system/system.install and modify ($register_globals) != ‘off’) to ($register_globals) == ‘on’). ( please read this first )
8. Upload the whole drupal 6.8 directory to your yahoo server.
9. Login to your yahoo account /filemanager/drupal-6.8 and click on install.php.
10. It should run automatically.

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