k.jacko 0 Newbie Poster

i desparately need help here.

I reformatted a server with 2003 R2 SP2 today. Transferred the 5 roles from another DC, then demoted that other other to a member server.
There is another DC on the domain too.
Problem is my new DC, which i need to install BES on won't reboot, it gets to "applying computer settings" and just sist there (well over an hour at last count).
With my limited knowledge, i'm guessing i ballsed something up when configuring it as a DNS server? I admit i wasn't too sure about what i was doing, and can't remember everything i did either.
However the other DC is having fits in the event log with all sorts of DNS errors, too many to mention.
I think i may have made the new DC the primary one, if that makes sense, god knows why it won't boot though.

Thing is, i was left to do this by an engineer who has left for 2 weeks vacation and of course, on a weekend i have no access to external support.

I can't begin to tell you how depsarate i am to get this fixed, so any help(except negative comments at this stage) would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.