I need HELP ALL MY SOUND IS GONE. At first my sound was jumpy on certain games, so I installed a new driver and that broke my sound completely. I KNOW that I insalled the correct driver so I don't know what to do. I don't know if this has anything to do with it but historically my computer doesn't like drivers, when I installed a new graphics driver that BROKE my computer. So now I have no sound and I have no idea where to go! I normally look at forums but no one seems to have an answer. IT IS DRIVING ME NUTS!!! I have XP 32, and an integrated sound card on my motherboard. Which is a GA-P-DS4. HELP!!!

sorry for the double post but I forgot to add that my backspace button on my keyboard doesn't work either, I have NO idea if that is anything to do with anything but still

sorry for the double post but I forgot to add that my backspace button on my keyboard doesn't work either, I have NO idea if that is anything to do with anything but still

hi a little more info ,what windows are you using and that motherboard model # doesn't seem correct

I think I have solved it! Well not me but still... I installed the driver checker which is installing the drivers right now!

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