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For the past 2 days, no matter which Sharepoint web service I access via Python's suds lib, the remote service always returns 403 Forbidden.

I'm using Python Suds 0.4 and Python NTLM 1.0. Suds 0.4 has built-in support for accessing Python NTLM.
I followed the documentation from Suds's website on Sharepoint and Suds.

Let me know if anyone has a clue about this.

from suds import transport
    from suds import client
    from suds.transport.https import WindowsHttpAuthenticated

    import logging

    ntlm = WindowsHttpAuthenticated(username='USER_ID', password='PASS')
    c_lists = client.Client(url='https://SHAREPOINT_URL/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx?WSDL', transport=ntlm)
    #c_lists = client.Client(url='https://SHAREPOINT_URL/_vti_bin/spsearch.asmx?WSDL')

    #print c_lists

    listsCollection = c_lists.service.GetListCollection()
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