when ever i go into my downloads folder my computers hard drive spins up to full speed from just opening the folder even when i havent clicked on anything else in the folder. the computer just sits there using max cpu usage for no reason then the only way to stop this is to just switch the computer off due to i cant open anything to close or stop the problem, i have run pc-cillin and house call , pest control, ad-aware , trojan remover and trojan sheild and none of them have found anything wrong , i have notice that in ie there are two files missing they are....iecont.dll and iecontlc i did do a reinstall if ie6 and update from microsoft but nothing seem to replace the missing files ..............if anyone can help then thanx :)

Aside from this particular instance, does your computer ever act quirky? Does this only happen when you enter this one particular folder and never any other time?

Try entering the folder in safe mode (there are other posts here on TTF of how to enter safe mode if you don't know already) and then customize the view in explorer to show all files (hidden and system files too). Make sure you know every file that is in the downloads folder.

How did you determine that those 2 files are missing? What list of IE files did you compare to?

i found missing folders in system tools > system info then in internet settings then file versions told me there that they were missing i got no probs getting to safe mode so i will take a look the problem,it happens as soon as i open the folder it uses max cpu usage and i cant even ctrl alt del to close the folder down so i just turn it off ......this is the only folder it does this problem too and sometimes the computer does act a little quirky....

OK, go into safe mode and get back to us as to what you found out.

hey there i try safe mode and did the folder options and everything was ok, its been busy for me so i only got the chance to get to it now

hi ya in safe mode it was ok seem to work fine i have try to move the folder for example for drive c to d cause i split the drive in half no matter were i put it i still get probs

I don't mean to move the folder. I mean to move all of the files inside the folder to a different folder. This way, you can see if the problem is related to the folder or to the files it contains. Something here is the culpreit!

ahhh ok excuse my hangover lol its to early to be awake lol ill try safe mode now and move the files out :D

ok i found the problem file thanks i think ill delete it :D

One more thing ... if I were you I would Shift+Del it ... which bypasses the recycle bin and permanently erases it from your system. This way the corrupted file doesn't screw up your recycle bin or anything else on your machine.

thanks for the help :D

You get the same problem in safe mode, or does it work when you're in safe mode and not in regular mode? Try moving the files in the folder to a different directory. What happens then?

hi there im finaly back after a night of being drunk really bad so i got a hangover lol , well the prob is still there do u have any other ideas at all?

Sorry to get back to you so late, but I just checked those 2 .dlls you have missing, and I don't have them either. My IE works fine though (IE6).

Sorry to get back to you so late, but I just checked those 2 .dlls you have missing, and I don't have them either. My IE works fine though (IE6).

It took five months to find two .dll's?

I'd hate to see what happens when you go looking for an install disk. ;)

how did u fix the roblem i need help

:p :cool: :!: :evil: :D :) :idea: :rolleyes: :cry:

when ever i go into my downloads folder my computers hard drive spins up to full speed from just opening the folder even when i havent clicked on anything else in the folder. the computer just sits there using max cpu usage for no reason then the only way to stop this is to just switch the computer off due to i cant open anything to close or stop the problem, i have run pc-cillin and house call , pest control, ad-aware , trojan remover and trojan sheild and none of them have found anything wrong , i have notice that in ie there are two files missing they are....iecont.dll and iecontlc i did do a reinstall if ie6 and update from microsoft but nothing seem to replace the missing files ..............if anyone can help then thanx :)

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