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Member Avatar for TheBeast32

Hi, how would I use mouse_event to simulate the mouse wheel? I can only do clicks. [Code=C++] void Left_Click(const long x, const long y) { mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, x, y, 0, 0); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP,x,y,0,0); } void Right_Click(const long x, const long y) { mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN, x, y, 0, 0); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP, x, y, 0, 0); …

Member Avatar for Oliver _2
Member Avatar for Andrea_25

Hi guys. I have just created an intranet in my online store and I'm new at programming so need some help. I'm developing a system that makes this possible: when a user registers, the database detects that they are already a customer who has bought previously and it makes their …

Programming php sql
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for soibac

Hi all, I have 2 form and a main.py in the project: ffrend.py and fmain.py main.py: from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui from fmain import * if __name__ == "__main__": import sys app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) MainWindow = QtGui.QMainWindow() ui = Ui_MainWindow() ui.setupUi(MainWindow) MainWindow.show() app.exec_() fmain.py (there is a button to execute …

Member Avatar for RespectedCow
Member Avatar for harshchandra

This is a simple archery Game developed in C language . The aim of the game is to shoot the balloons and score as much points as you can . The game have three levels. Platform used is Turbo C++ IDE . Standard Graphics.h functions are used.

Member Avatar for 26_Anuja
Member Avatar for aphry1303

from sympy import Symbol, Derivative, cos import math pi= math.pi t= Symbol('t') function_t = 2*cos(2*math.pi*t)*2.718**(-(math.pi*t)/2) f1 = (function_t.doit().subs({t:1.5})) print("When t=1.5,", f1) I can't find a way to calculate cos in degrees in this function.

Programming python
Member Avatar for yqqwe123
Member Avatar for DB12

I am trying to connect MySQL(8.0.25) and python(3.8) using mysql.connector but getting the error: mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) Windows 10 same code working for pymysql.connect the code used: import mysql.connector as sql s=sql.connect(host='localhost' ,user='root', password='<correct password>) The password I entered is the one …

Programming mysql python
Member Avatar for yqqwe123
Member Avatar for ianhaneybs

I am trying to output data for selected dates and think I have managed to do the sql query but it's currently not outputting the total amount, below is what it is currently outputting I am looking for the following From To Expense Category Expenses Total 01/01/2018 31/12/2018 Accounting Costs …

Member Avatar for michel.cote
Member Avatar for nalb4242

Hello , i am using free 3 of 9 barcode to create a bar code of each student in my DB , the problem that in my card it is not shown as it is supposed to be but as *98777* ![barCode.PNG](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/73daedb60096264ee7decb34db04e4f4.PNG) so any one knows how i can solve …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for techlifelk

``` if (credits >= 30) { pnlSuccess.setVisible(true); pnlpass.setVisible(false); busdocRef.update("onbus", FieldValue.arrayUnion(txtRFID.getText())); busdocRef.update("passengers", FieldValue.increment(1)); docRef.update("travelling", Data.busid); docRef.update("slat", slat); docRef.update("slon", slon); txtRFID.setText(""); Thread.sleep(2000); pnlSuccess.setVisible(false); pnlpass.setVisible(true); txtRFID.requestFocus(); } ``` This si the code But the pass pnl do not hide and the success panel do not show up

Programming java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for nalb4242

Hello , i am creating new website using asp net and c# .. what i am basically doing is that i have somedata in my database and will let the user show them in report based on what he is gonna choose to display for example i have in my …

Member Avatar for Harry cruise

A grayscale digital image is a two-dimensional raster image in which the picture elements, or pixels, store a single value representing a shade of gray that varies from black to white. In a discrete grayscale image, the shades of gray are represented by integer values in the range [0 to …

Programming c c++ python
Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Essam_4
Member Avatar for SoftBa
Member Avatar for pawangupt

Hi, I am developing one web application. In which I want to display pdf file on the web browser by selecting the pdf file or any fixed pdf file. so, if anyone knows then please tell me the script code so will develop it for my web application. i will …

Member Avatar for akeane
Member Avatar for ray.chappel

/*******************************************************************************************************************| | Assignment 2 | | Program is meant to extract a record from each file and create a new file for each record | | Programs creates a new directory and uses the directory for each new file | | | | written by Raymond Chappel | | | …

Member Avatar for LohithS
Member Avatar for varmela

Create a table with following rules and regulations ma 1)Id should b identity 2)Name should allow only starting Letter with a to p 3)city should not allow Chennai,cbe, Salem 4) department should allo only cse,it,ece, 5) college default should b anna university 6) per should above only 70% 7) year …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Bile

--Hi DaniWeb. I have been doying bulk data Uploads from Excel Sheet to MySql data base and hence thought that I may need the reverse of this process and so Export MySql Tables into Excel Format for Backup purposes (I also will be happy for a better suggestion for a …

Member Avatar for juniperoites
Member Avatar for Onion13

Making a scrolling space shooting video game in C# where the player will fight one on one with their opponent. I was able to figure out how to make the missile go up if the opponent was above the player. But, I can't seem to make it work if the …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Vongola_Takeshi

Good day ^^ I want to create a program using tasm that will tell if the inputted string is a palindrome or not....but i don't know how will i get the first and last char to compare..unlike in C..i can use the strlen....XD Please make the codes very simple ^^..tnx …

Member Avatar for Nivre
Member Avatar for razstec

I would like through a list or dict populated by a text to create a frames, this way I could update an app without having to mess with the code, can someone help me? Seria algo assim: vars.txt: > tab1 <-> nome1 > tab2 <-> nome2 > tab3 <-> nome3 …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for iscjm

This button page implements "window.open()" to open a new window. I would like to ask how I can automatically bring the button page to focus if I am browsing another page and the button page is not closed. I don't want to use "window.open" again to bring the button page …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ianhaneybs

I have some php code on view invoice and it's getting all the data I need to from three database tables but for some reason it's not getting the data for one specific column and unsure why I have done a echo sql and it is echoing the sql query …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for kamilacbe

Hi, I'm trying to desirealise the json data from a external file where i want to read the key and fetch another dictionary value based on key please letme know if i can read dictionary inside dictionary , I have tried using DIctionary<string,object> where as am looking for Dictionary <string,Dictionary<string,string>> …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for iscjm

I built a Web server myself, want to achieve the entire browser minimization,except "JAVA" and "JSP", what method can achieve this effect. There are a lot of examples of browser minimization using "JS" on the internet, but none of them worked for me. Some people mentioned that it might be …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for shane1961

Visual Basic - Visual Studio 2019. My desktop status bar disappears when I open my application. Controlbox = False FormBorderStyle = FixedSingle StartPostion = WindowsDefaultLocation WindowState = Maximized Any help appriciated.

Programming vb.net
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for The Real Cedric

Trying to have a script built that locks the content until user refers a friend to signup, then they are granted access. They have a set amount of time, as a timer counts down or their account is deactivated. Its for a game we are creating and want to use …

Programming javascript mysql php
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Mihir_2
Member Avatar for SKCOMPUTERS
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I have a SQLite database that for some insane reason stores dates as the number of days since 1899-12-31. I want to create a view that will display the date as an actual date. I can calculate a specific date from a specific day number as select date('1899-12-31','Localtime','+44386 day') as …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Urbandude23

I am trying to run my game in Python, with Pygame. However, I am presented with a black screen, but my game shows up for a fraction of a second after I exit the Shell. What's wrong with my code, I think it's an issue with my timer. # Import …

Member Avatar for Prragya
Member Avatar for Raja Huzaifa

Hi its Huzaifa From Pakistan! i am a designer (web and graphic). want to learn **programming**

Member Avatar for Dani

The End.